Faneditor: g1orkatsos   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2011 Fanedit Runtime: 3h:19m:0s Time Cut: 1h:33m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Franchise: The Walking Dead Genre: Drama • Horror • Thriller • Zombie Original Title: The Walking Dead (TV Series)(2010)    Original Release Date: 1st January 2010 Original Runtime: 4h:52m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: Source: Digital Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:  
This edit takes the first season of The Walking Dead and converts it into movie, chronicling the Survival story of Rick Grimes as he finds himself in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse.
To Create a more focused version of Walking Dead centering more around Rick, and his story of survival in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Change List:
This is not everything but these are the most important i remember:
*could have cut more but i feel this is just fine
Episode 1:
-Changed the intro logo with new music
-Cut the conversation between Rick and Shane before the cop chase
-Trimmed the scene of Rick in the hospital
-Trimmed dialog and scenes with Morgan at the house
-Cut a lot of Duane’s dialog
-Cut Rick hitting Zombie with bat
-Trimmed Police station scene
-Cut killing zombie officer outside station
-Cut entire scene with rick killing the zombie he saw when he was on the bike and Morgan trying to kill his Zombie wife
-Cut the scene where the hear him on radio from the camp. There is no camp scene now. Now simply nobody answers him
-Trimmed horse riding scene
Episode 2:
-Cut all camp scenes
-Trimmed dialog from scenes with Rick and Glen
-Trimmed scene when you first see Merle
-Deleted all the pointless scenes with Merle and cut a lot of his stupid dialog.
-Trimmed significantly dialog between Rick and Andrea
-Deleted scene of Merle and T-Dog alone on roof
-Deleted scene of looking into zombie’s wallet
Episode 3:
-Deleted entire scene of Merle going crazy alone in the roof. Keeps the mystery on what happened to him
-Deleted scene of Shane, Lori and Carl
-Trimmed scene of The survivors arriving
-Put the erotic scenes of Shane and Lori as very trimmed flashbacks when Lori looks at Shane while hugging Rick
-Deleted all scenes with Ed
-Trimmed large amount of Lori and Rick in Bed
-Trimmed scene With Rick waking up next morning
-Trimmed scene before going to find Merle
-Deleted Lori and Carl scene
-Trimmed scene with Shane and Carl catching frogs
-Deleted scene of girls talking about dildos(yea real conversation)
-Deleted Ed beating from Shane
Episode 4:
-Deleted girls boat scene
-Deleted entire subplot of Jim digging holes in camp
-Trimmed scene of Old Lady taking Rick to the Hospital
-Deleted scene of Andrea looking for gift wrapping
-Deleted Ed scene
-Trimmed a lot of the scene with the survivors eating around fire
-During zombie attack Ed now is just a random guy attacked by zombies. you don’t see his beat up face
-Cut Jim’s comment about holes
Episode 5:
-Trimmed Andrea scene with Dale
-Deleted scene with Carol abusing Ed’s body
-Edited a lot Amy’s resurrection scene
-Deleted funeral scene
-Trimmed a lot Jim’s goodbye scene
-Deleted first Jenner’s scene
Episode 6:
-Deleted elevator scene
-Trimmed dialog afterwards
-Trimmed dinner scene
-Deleted shower scenes
-Deleted Andrea with Dale scene
-Deleted Carol with kids scene
-Put the scene with Shane trying to save Rick as flashback after his attack on Lori
-Trimmed breakfast scene
-Deleted Lori commenting about air condition scene
-Trimmed some dialog from zombie’s brain scene
Additional Notes:
I cut most of the subplots, made it mostly from Rick’s point of view, and you see stuff for the first time like the camp, when Rick sees them for the first time as well, in order to keep some mystery about them. There are almost no jumps between the camp and the city. The story follows Rick and you only go to a scene without Him when the plot really needs it. But Also i tried to keep the most important aspects of the story and stuff that might be important for season 2 and beyond.