The Myers Family

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Myers Family

Faneditor: steFANedit  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:52m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:15m:0s
Time Added: 0h:12m:0s
Franchise: Halloween
Genre: HorrorMysteryThriller
Original Title: Halloween (2007)   Halloween II (2009)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2007
Original Runtime: 2h:1m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


After having been committed for over 15 years, Michael Myers escapes from Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. He returns home to retrieve his killer mask (aka Shatner mask), and then we jump to Two Years Later and we are introduced to Laurie Brackett, believed to be sister of Annie Brackett. But, unfortunately for her, that’s not the case and her whole world will collapse within the following three days.


I really liked the first half of Rob Zombie’s remake, the backstory. But then when Michael comes back to Haddonfield Zombie made the mistake of trying to re-create scenes from Carpenter’s classic. Instead he should have approached H1 in the exact same way he approached H2: make it his own. The Myers Family combines the backstory told in H1 with H2 (making that movie the night He came home) and the end result is a version of Rob Zombie’s reimagining that really feels like a Rob Zombie movie, not some weird Zombie-Carpenter crossover. So forget the Carpenter (classic) movie altogether when you watch this. Except for some of the characters names, the Shatner mask, some story elements, this is a completely original story.

Change List:

(Some changes might not be listed here because of forgetfulness on my part) Added: Fanedit Warning Text Changed: H1 footage cropped from 2.35:1 to 1.85:1 (also some grain was added) Added: “a steFANedit” Added: “After Effects by TMBTM” Added: A new intro featuring the super8 footage that plays during the end credits in H1, cut together with other super8 footage I found on youtube. I based this intro on the leaked screenplay for H1. Cut: Halloween score when Michael leaves the school and stalks the bully (added score by Tyler Bates as replacement) Cut: Bully treating a kid like shit (this was done because in that moment the Halloween score could be heard even though noise reduction was used and different score added) Cut: Halloween score when Michael are about to slit the throat of Ronnie White (added score by Tyler Bates as replacement) Cut: Halloween score when Michael kills Judith (added score by Tyler Bates as replacement) Cut: Halloween score when Deborah arrives home after work Cut: Video diaries by Samuel Loomis at Smith Grove Cut: Last scene where Michael talks “please put my mask back on…” Cut: Nurse turning her back on Michael Added: Deleted scene “Parole Hearing” which have been recut Cut: “15-years later Loomis” from H1 Cut: The rape scene has been toned down to exclude Noel Kluggs “tongue twister” Cut: Michael looking down on the body of Noel Kluggs (this was a shot from the theatrical breakout and you can see Michael wearing chains which he never do in the director’s cut) Cut: Danny Trejo is now only pushed down in the sink ones Changed: When Michael drops the TV on Trejo’s head a title card appear “Haddonfield Illinois” then we have the scene where Michael retrieves his mask but with a different score playing, we then cut to h2 Cut: First 30min of h2 Cut: All the talk about Laurie having nightmares “did you hear her last night?” I also cut all talk about therapy Cut: All therapy with Margot Kidder Cut: Loomis answering his phone Cut: Everything after the line “it’s just quite an oxymoron my dear.” Changed: The press conference scene has been recut and After Effects work have been done to change the background image from Chase Wright Vanek to adult Michael Changed: Some of the lines Deborah says to Michael in the shack are different Cut: Michael being hit in the face by the tire-iron Changed: Dinner scene (pizza) has been recut to get rid of Annie bitching Added: Michael looking at the photograph featuring him and Boo Cut: Michael (and Laurie) dream sequence Cut: The scene with Loomis outside the Myers house Cut: Laurie discovering that she’s out of medication Added: Right after Laurie’s panic attack a short clip of Michael “sensing” Laurie is added Changed: Loomis interview on TV is recut Cut: Laurie and Annie fighting Added: Deleted scene “Cemetery” the scene have been recut and After Effects work have been done to get rid of Chase Wright Vanek Added: Deleted scene “I say that” during the Rabbit in Red scene Cut: Howard punching Michael in the face Cut: Chase Wright Vanek standing outside the Rabbit in Red, holding Deborah’s hand Cut: The “only a river off blood”-scene Cut: Michael turning the sign off Changed: The scene where Brackett reads Loomis book have been recut Changed: Laurie walking the streets of Haddonfield has been recut to include footage from the Theatrical Cut Changed: Michael watching billboard have been recut, After Effects work have been done to remove Chase Wright Vanek Inserted: Loomis at talk show (right after Michael at billboard) Scene have been recut Cut: Loomis at bookstore Changed: Laurie now refers Brackett as “dad” Added: Deleted scene “Comic Book Convention” recut to only include Annie on phone talking to Brackett Changed: The scene where Michael meets the kid have been cut down to exclude “can we be friends?” and “bye!” Cut: Wolfie and Mya’s death scene Cut: Laurie’s panic attack at the Phantom Jam Cut: Chase Wright Vanek when Annie is attacked Changed: The female cop now cut to the chase, she only says, “Sheriff Brackett I just got a 911 phone call from your house” Changed: Michael smashing through door has been intercut with Laurie escaping to amp up the tension Changed: The scene where Brackett finds his dead daughter have been recut to get rid of the over the top “NOOOO!” Cut: Chase Wright Vanek outside the burning car, shot of the Myers family walking away, Chase Wright Vanked in the shack Changed: the lines spoken by the news reporter on TV Changed: Imaged cropped to get rid of Chase Wright Vanek when Loomis have entered the shack, this will continue throughout the rest of the movie Changed: Michael’s death dance have been cut down Cut: Entering the brain of dying Laurie aka the white hallway Cut: “Love Hurts” Cut: End credits Added: “Laurie Theme” and “Nights In White Satin” Added: Custom made end credits.

Additional Notes:

*Daeg Faerch is now the only “young Michael” Chase Wright Vanek is nowhere to be seen. *Everything about Laurie having a breakdown regarding the events two years earlier is now gone cause the whole “shit-went-down-in-Haddonfield-two-years-earlier-aka-second-half-of-the-remake” is gone (though Laurie does indeed have a meltdown, but that because she turns into Michael Myers' mind state) *The whole movie is now in the aspect ratio: 1.85:1 (that of H2) instead of H1 footage being 2.35:1 and H2 footage 1.85:1 I also added some grain to the H1 footage. *The classic Halloween score is now completely gone (H2 doesn’t feature any so I had to choose between inserting some or change the score in H1 where the Halloween score does exist).

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

TMBTM - for your After Effects work Neglify - for helping me with the cover art Boon Captain Khajiit ThrowgnCpr n0mArch L8wrtr hebridges - for technical support.

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