Haunted From Childhood: The Katie Featherston Story

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Haunted From Childhood: The Katie Featherston Story

Faneditor: Frantic Canadian  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:17m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:17m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Paranormal Activity
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2011
Original Runtime: 1h:34m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


If you've seen The Haunted World Of Katie Featherston and think you know the whole story, think again. Now, thanks to recently discovered VHS footage, thought to be lost for over 20 years, learn how it really all began.


Like the previous two entries in the Paranormal Activity franchise there are too many filler scenes, especially in the extended versions, where nothing of any paranormal importance happens. As a result of this the movies tend to drag a little. By removing said filler scenes the movie flows much better now and gets you to the action much quicker, while still telling the same coherent story.

Change List:

- Cut opening scene with Kristi painting the nursery while her husband films. - Cut "robbery" scene from Paranormal Activity 2. - Cut Dennis pranking Randy. - Cut taking pictures in driveway before "Picture Day". - Cut Dennis and Randy watching wedding footage and making fun of the girl on the tape. - Cut Dennis filming Julie smoking dope and acting stupid. - Cut Dennis asking Julie if he can film them having sex, she says yes. - Cut Dennis checking on Katie and Kristi in the tent and telling them goodnight. - Cut Night #5, nothing happens. - Cut Dennis filming Katie on the trampoline and asking her if she's sure she didn't sneak into the house the previous night. - Cut end credits.

Additional Notes:

To trim the fat by getting rid of the scenes that were added just to pad the running time. If it doesn't help the paranormal story along, it's out.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

I would like to thank Whispers for putting the idea into my head to edit this film. I had originally wanted to create an extended cut, but when they failed to include any deleted, alternate, or extended scenes on the DVD or Blu-Ray I gave up on the idea of editing it. But then Whispers came along with his idea of a 3-in-1 edit and mentioned that he'd also be interested in a standalone edit if I were to make one, and that inspired me to go back and take a look and see if I could trim it down like I did with my Paranormal Activity 1 edit. I would also like to thank Neglify for his interest in the project, and Rogue-theX for creating the artwork.

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