When bratty 8-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) acts out the night before a family trip to Paris, his mother (Catherine O'Hara) makes him sleep in the attic. He awakens to an empty house and realizes his wish to have no family has come true. But his excitement sours when he realizes that two con men (Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern) plan to rob the McCallister residence, and that he alone must protect the family home uncertain if his parents will ever return.
Remove all the scenes with Kevin's parents and make the film all focused from Kevin's perspective (hence the title). The main story is kept the same, but now it makes it look like Kevin's parents were truly wished away overnight. Along with this is to make the cuts seamless by removing any sound effects or music that might play from the previous or following scene of Kevin's parents. This edit includes two endings with the Alternate Ending being the one where Kevin's parents don't return. You can choose your preferred ending now seamlessly fit into the film. AI Vocal Remover was used to help out with removing some of the sound effects to help make the cuts flow seamlessly.
Change List:
Added Starlight Fan Edits Logo
Removed Holiday Flight scene of Kevin's parents rushing to the airport. This also goes for brief subsequent shots of the plane and Kevin's mother realizing who they left behind.
Removed the sled scene with Kevin and many subsequent scenes of Kevin's parents at the Paris terminal.
After the Angels With Filthy Souls scene, a cut to black was added when Kevin shouts "Mom!" before fade in to the night scene introducing Marv and Harry. This edit is based from the Oh Snap! cut.
Removed scene of Kevin's parents that are interspersed with the robber's first attempt to enter the house. This is replaced with a reversed shot of the van now looking its backing out (sound effects have been added). This edit is based from the Oh Snap! cut.
Trimmed down the scene of Marv and Harry robbing a home to remove the voice message from Kevin's Dad.
Removed the "Please Come Home for Christmas" song that would play in scene with Kevin's parents (which has been removed) and end by the time we cut to an establishing shot of the house.
Removed Paris scene with Kevin's siblings and Dad that takes place when Kevin makes the home look like a Christmas party is taking place.
Removed the scene of the police officer visiting the house.
Removed a scene with Kevin's Mom at the Paris airport that takes place as Kevin watches TV in his bed starting to miss his family. The plane sounds have been removed.
Removed the Scranton airport scene that takes place as Marv and Harry wait outside the house. The plane sounds have been removed.
Removed the scene with Kevin's Mom in the Budget Truck. The song "Have A Merry Little Christmas" now fades into the establishing shot of the House.
Removed brief shot of the Budget truck arriving at the house.
(Original Ending) Removed a small piece of dialogue of Kevin's Dad explaining how they managed to get a flight back home. This is to make the "wish" seem more like an actual thing that happened.
(Alternate Ending) Moved the ending John Williams track of the film earlier since the scene of Kevin's parents coming home has been cut.
(Alternate Ending) The sequence of Kevin going down and seeing Marley with his son and others has been edited to remove any shots of Kevin's parents while making sure the music still fits in. The scene now fades out as Marley walks away with his relatives. The sequences of cuts are based from the Oh Snap! cut; this includes a "The End" title card.
(Alternate Ending) Added Replaced the "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" song and John Williams' "Holiday Flight" with an alternate ending track "O Holy Night" which was unused in the film. This is to fit the tone of the alternate ending.
Additional Notes:
A lot of sequences/cuts are based from the "Home Alone: Oh Snap!" edit which essentially layed out a blueprint for how the edit was going to play out (since it shared a similar ideas, but with a Marvel twist). The edit has two versions that are available: The Original Ending (runtime: 1 hr 23 min) and the Alternate Ending (runtime: 1 hr 20 min). The runtime listed here is from the Original Ending.
Other Sources:
"O Holy Night" Alternate Ending track by John Williams comes from the 25th Anniversary La-La Land Records release of the soundtrack. Van sound effect comes from YouTube.
Special Thanks:
u/Zorklis (original idea/fan edit request)
u/MArcherCD (edit title)
The original editor behind "Home Alone: Oh Snap!"
Reddit Post