Cyborg vs. Maskatron - A Six Million Dollar Man Movie

Updated: 13th August 2024

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Cyborg vs. Maskatron - A Six Million Dollar Man Movie

Faneditor: MusicEd921  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 16th July 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:12m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: ActionCrimeDramaSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: The Six Million Dollar Man (TV series)(1974)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1974
Original Runtime: 1h:41m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Steve Austin aka The Six Million Dollar Man encounters an enemy unlike any other! During a mission, Steve notices that his friend Fred isn't acting normal. In fact, he's acting a little robotic! Just when Steve thinks he can spot a robot, one may have been hiding in plain sight all along! How can you spot the difference between a robot and a person? Well, that is the six million dollar question!


As a new viewer of the series, I fell absolutely in love with the Day of the Robot episode. The two follow up episodes weren't as good as the original, but they still made for a good time and nothing beats watching Steve Austin fight an enemy that isn't human. I wanted to meld the two big robot episodes, Day of the Robot and Return of the Robot Maker, into a movie length story in a way that doesn't feel like two episodes glued together, but a cinematic adventure for everyone's favorite bionic man.

Change List:

-The episode begins with Day of the Robot -Remove scene of different people trying to deadlift a set of weights which shows the robot. This is to preserve the mystery of what is going on. We learn with Steve what's happened to his friend, Fred Sloan -Added Cyborg vs. Maskatron episode title -Remove all scenes that show who is controlling the Robot -Tighten up RoboFred looking around at the gas station ***The audio during the car ride right after Fred is switched with the robot was a bit murky due to the mastering of the footage, so I tried my best to balance it better and bring the dialogue to the forefront. It is a noticeable difference despite how much I tried to just tweak it. -Limit the amount of mistakes the robot makes while driving the car -Moved footage of the car driving around to help transition from the scene where RoboFred moves the car after Steve does -To keep the mystery, I added a closeup of a CB radio when the bad guys are radioing to ask what to do about Steve after he calls Oscar. Since this show uses a lot of frozen pictures, I felt that it worked well enough with some added grain. -Most of the cuts were to keep from showing who is controlling RoboFred. -After Steve is knocked out and they take the keycard from him, instead of moving into what was originally the third act of the episode where RoboFred is taken to a facility to launch some weapon, instead he partially knocks out Steve and then is now seen headed to a helicopter to be taken away, but Steve catches up to him and they have their classic climactic battle. ***There is a missing frame while Steve is using his legs to push a car at a bad guy. This was from the footage, not a mistake by me! -Steve vs. RoboFred in all of its glory, minus the bionic sounds from RoboFred and added the bionic sounds to Steve. The famous sound effects were not fully in place yet and the first time they are actually heard from from RoboFred when this aired. Unfortunately, I couldn't mask them later on with the fight with the OscarBot, but we can assume it was a better and stronger robot (pun intended). -Back at Oscar's office, they talk about the real Fred and after Oscar says he's presumed dead, I cut where Steve listens to an audio recording of Fred which was used for programming the robot. We don't see any of what makes the robot work, so it seemed pointless to leave that. Instead there is a sad moment of silence and Steve says he needs to take a walk. We now cut into the Return of the Robot episode with Steve working out. This fits because he clearly had hurt his bionic arm during the fight with RoboFred. This leads to a conversation with the agent named Barney who talks to him about some gadgets. -We cut immediately to a double date dinner scene with Steve and Oscar. Oscar receives a phone call and now we have our twist.....this is where we learn that Oscar is in fact a robot! -The next 6 minutes is a flashback of when Oscar was taken, how he was taken and introduces us to our villain, Dr. Chester Dolenz. This flashback will lead us up to his phone call to the OscarBot in the restaurant. To help with the uneasy tension of this flashback, music from the film The Andromeda Strain was used throughout and including when he talks to Steve about his mission of breaking into a guarded facility. -I cut the remaining Barney scenes to keep things moving. -As the OscarBot says to Steve he never let him down in the past, I created a shot that shows Steve's response to that but from the robot's POV that we see on a TV screen as Oscar watches with Dolenz. -Steve maneuvering around the mines and turrets now features a needle drop song! AC/DC's T.N.T. has now be added and the scene is timed to flow with the song. New sound effects have been incorporated. -The rest of the edit plays out like normal except for the very last few shots. It isn't 100% great, but instead of the pretty bad shot of the OscarBot's severed head being looked at by Oscar, I put a Maskatron-esque face on the head. It's a still image until the ending music swells and then we zoom in on the face as we fade out for the end.

Other Sources:

The Andromeda Strain score

Special Thanks:

BionicBob as always!

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