Faneditor: PanExis   Fanedit Type: FanFix Fanedit Release Date: 12th March 2024 Fanedit Runtime: 2h:13m:0s Time Cut: 0h:8m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Franchise: Wonder Woman Genre: Action • Adventure • Fantasy • Superheroes Original Title: Wonder Woman (2017)    Original Release Date: 1st January 2017 Original Runtime: 2h:21m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: 12A Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: No    
I love Zack Snyder’s DCEU trilogy. I’ve rewatched it at least half a dozen times and they're actually the only three films, along with the first Wonder Woman movie, that I consider as the DCEU canon – at least until the day the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad is hopefully released. Now, the problem is, while WW’s story fits in my headcanon of the Snyderverse perfectly, it is all over the place in terms of tone coherence. Most people, I must say, have issues with the third act of the film. I do not. I think it’s Snyderish enough for my taste. It is the first half of the film that bothers me in every marathon I’ve made so far, as it tries to copy the MCU formula a little too much for me to bear with it. The London parts, especially, bombard you with every modern superhero film trope that I cannot stand. Diana’s naivety pushed to the limits, the walking meme that is Etta Candy and the introduction of Steve’s not-so-formidable team, all played for laughs.
This edit’s goal is to bring the film closer to Snyder’s tone and make it fit better into his trilogy. Comedic moments and cringy lines have been heavily reduced. Some VFX work to remove Etta Candy from a particular scene was also applied. Moreover, the Germans are speaking their native language (at least when they talk to each other) instead of English with a German accent. There’s also a scene where Steve and Sameer are posing as a German Colonel and his servant where German re-dubbing was used. The whole film is re-coloured in a more Snyderish palette.
Change List:
*Re-coloured in Snyder’s style.
*Re-dubbed the parts where Germans are speaking, using both the official German dub and a little of ElevenLabs magic. Turkish dub was also used for a sole line spoken by Dr. Maru. Hard-coded subtitles are added in these parts.
- Trimmed the globe part from the opening scene and muted Diana’s narration. Most editors, as far as I’ve seen, tend to remove the modern day parts of the film. Me, on the other hand, I really like the subtle bonding between Diana and Bruce after the events of BvS established there.
- Cut kid Diana running away from her tutor and jumping off a cliff.
- Trimmed the German soldier as he’s moving back and forth into the glamour.
- Cut Steve’s “wow” remark as well as the “don’t I look like one?” line at the beach.
- Removed all comedic parts from the interrogation scene.
- Trimmed the part where Steve’s stealing Dr. Maru’s notebook.
- Muted the “strange” remark when the Amazon sees Diana’s healed wound.
- Trimmed Steve as he’s fooling around in the water pool.
- Trimmed and rearranged Diana’s and Steve’s encounter when he’s coming out of the pool. The original scene felt as if it the prelude of some porn parody. Now, instead of just standing there naked, Steve immediately goes for his watch and consequently for his clothes as soon as Diana enters.
- Trimmed some of Steve’s questions about Themyscira as well as the “right” line when Diana answers.
- Cut Diana staring at the elk just before she breaks into the tower.
- Cut Steve being startled by Diana.
- Cut Diana’s “thank you” to Steve’s remark about her outfit.
- Cut Diana’s questions about marriage. It is not just another example of Diana’s extreme naivety, it is also inconsistent with her upbringing. Marriage was a thing in Greek city-states and the film makes it perfectly clear that she’s well-educated in Ancient Greek culture and literature.
- Cut the whole thing about “the pleasures of the flesh”.
- Cut Dr. Maru’s “it’s going to be terrible” line.
- Trimmed and rearranged the couple’s interaction when they reach London. I’ve always found the whole “to the war” conversation annoying and cringeworthy. By that point, Steve has already mentioned that his mission was to return the notebook to his superiors twice, once when he was interrogated and once more in the boat. And Diana, being a warrior herself, should know a thing or two about hierarchy in an army. Now, instead, Steve proposes to buy her some clothes as a result of the soldiers flirting with her, thus bypassing a lot of the cringy dialogue.
- Trimmed and cut a lot of Etta’s antics in Selfridges.
- Cut Diana struggling to get through the revolving door.
- Trimmed some more of Etta’s antics before she gets Diana’s sword and shield.
- Cut Etta spotting the German spy.
- Cut Steve’s “bad guy convention” and “or maybe not” lines.
- Digitally removed Etta’s presence during the alley scene. Now the German spy’s flight is interrupted by a passing car instead of Etta.
- Muted Steve’s “blind sister” remark before he gets Diana out of the Council Room. It’s an obvious lie.
- Trimmed Steve’s discomfiture when he introduces Diana to Sir Patrick Morgan. In the original scene it was too obvious that he was making it up. And he’s supposed to be a spy, for God’s sake!
- Cut Diana’s second “you should be ashamed” to the War Council.
- Cut the “you mean you were lying?” line. It’s a terrible line and it’s terribly delivered by Gal. Now, Steve just reacts to Diana’s amazement in her face, stating that he’s a spy and that’s what he does.
- Cut Steve’s “this is a terrible idea” when he uses the Lasso of Hestia on himself.
- Cut the pub fight just as Steve is stating “that’s not Charlie”, in order to bypass Bremner’s cartoonish face when he falls on the floor.
- Trimmed Charlie clinking his two glasses.
- Trimmed some more of Etta’s antics during the pub meeting.
- Cut Diana’s “you should be very proud” to the ice-cream man.
- Cut Ludendorff’s and Dr. Maru’s cheesy laugh when they kill the German generals as well as Ludendorff inhaling another dose of Maru’s gas for no reason at all.
- Cut Charlie warming his crotch and the Chief’s comments about Diana’s beauty.
- Trimmed Steve’s multiple ‘Sirs” to Sir Patrick before he hangs off the phone.
- Cut Sameer’s “I don't know. I would say she was pretty undercover on that battlefield”.
- Cut Diana measuring the German lady’s dress by standing next to her.
- Cut the Chief’s “I know how”. It’s terribly delivered and feels like he’s breaking the fourth wall and talking straight to the audience.
- Trimmed Steve’s company saluting the German soldiers with “Guten Haben”. Felt a little goofy to me.
- Muted Diana’s narration during the ending scene. That was mainly to remove any more cringy references to love, but I think that it eventually made the scene more bittersweet than it originally was, too.
+ Added new title and my fan-editor’s name in the credits.