Certificate: TV-14 Source: Digital Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: No    
In the second season of "Spider-Man (Playstation)," Peter Parker faces fresh challenges following his victory over the Sinister Six. With the return of the cunning Black Cat and the rise of the ruthless gangster Hammerhead, New York City descends into chaos.
I have had this project in mind for a few years but the amount of time it would take was daunting. I finally found the time to get started and hope this gives people who are not "gamers" the ability to enjoy this game.
Change List:
Season 2 focuses on the first games DLC and consists of 7 episodes.
Added a custom logo by etbiludecalcinha on Reddit.
Created a custom intro sequence using a combination of trailers for the DLC.
Used the Remastered credits for every episode along with some customization.
Used Andy Gilleand’s “Marvel's Spider-man: The City That Never Sleeps (The Movie)” from YouTube as the base. I created a custom title logo for him as well since he doesn’t have one using “Your Intro” by Audionautix.
Used RNR GAMES and Visual Walkthrough’s videos to replace any PS4 footage with Remastered footage and to fill in any story needed from the first game that Andy Gilleand cut from their movie.
EPISODE 1: On the Move - This episode was created using cut missions from the first game. It starts with a few of the Black Cat Stakeout missions, then goes into the opening of the DLC, then the 3 Tombstone side missions.
EPISODE 2: The Maria - This episode starts at the beginning of the “The Heist” DLC and goes until Spider-Man hands over the empty drive book.
EPISODE 3: The Heist - This episode completes the “The Heist” DLC.
EPISODE 4: Turf Wars - This episode starts at the beginning of the “Turf Wars” DLC and goes until Yuri leaves angrily.
EPISODE 5: Bring the Hammer Down – This episode completes the “Turf Wars” DLC.
EPISODE 6: Old Friends – This episode starts at the beginning of the “Silver Lining” DLC and goes until Black Cat returns.
EPISODE 7: Silver Lining – This episode completes the “Silver Lining” DLC. (PS- WATCH THE CREDITS)
Additional Notes:
All episodes are available for free on YouTube.
Fan Edit Request Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSRH7U_JPLDjBM7g-afwAhwRr6m42VAjXnMLyaoKykf4x8HA/viewform?usp=sharing