Certificate: 12A Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: English    
All the interconnected Marvel Studios products become a massive, perfectly structured TV series, to make the journey of the Earth’s Mightiest superheroes the most epic adventure ever.
In order to enjoy the MCU in the most orderly, apprehensible and dynamic way possible, all the interconnected MCU becomes a TV show: reordered, reformatted, post credits scenes rearranged to avoid spoilers, detailed “previously” recaps and new S/VFX created and some key deleted scenes added to each episode. Including all the One-Shots, Disney+ Marvel TV shows, Specials... even commercials! Plus, crossover with the X-Men (FOX) and Spider-Man (Sony) alternate universes in a narratively consistent way.
Have you missed some Marvel products and you lack information, and now you’re a little out of it?
Or you don’t know their correct viewing order and you don't want to be studying messy online order lists?
Or do you enjoy TV shows structured in seasons more than chaotic movie sagas?
Maybe you want to introduce your friends or family to your beloved MCU but it’s too much complicated to handle so many Bluray discs?
Or perhaps do you just want to try something different?
Here is the solution: the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes a TV series.
Change List:
---------------------- Season 5 Editing Details per Episode -------------------------
MARVEL S05E01 Glorious Purpose (1):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 1 Glorious Purpose)
- added new NOTFLIX logo and two "previously" voices (0:00:09)
- added ambient light throught the scene (0:02:02 > 0:04:36)
- reframed shot and added overlay element (rock) (0:02:29)
- reframed shot (0:02:31)
- added overlay element (rock) (0:02:34)
- slow motion accelerated slightly, the shot was a little long (0:03:47)
- added MARVEL The TV Series intro + "riser" and "ding" SFX before and "downer" SFX after (0:04:36)
- deleted original LOKI intro and added "church bell" SFX and music between the scenes (0:11:58)
- added ambient lighting, lens flares and color correction throughout the scene (0:18:25 > 0:19:29)
- deleted the D. B. Cooper scene (added later in the episode) and rearranged several shots (0:26:13 > 0:26:40)
- added custom end credits (0:43:32)
- added custom version of "D. B. Cooper" scene as a post-credits scene (0:45:58)
MARVEL S05E02 The Variant (2):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 2 The Variant)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (original) (0:00:09 > 0:01:25)
- deleted MARVEL STUDIOS original logos (0:01:25)
- deleted original LOKI intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:04:18)
- all along the Pompeii scene: added slight "camera shake" at first + added "volcano eruption" shots (from the film Pompeii, 2014) + reframe and slight zoom in + added brand new "timepad" VFX shot + added new music score + replaced old music score on the TVA (0:26:23 > 0:27:34)
- added custom end credits (0:48:20)
- added brand new "Galaxy S23 Ultra - All Hail Loki" Samsung commercial as custom post credits scene (0:50:49)
MARVEL S05E03 Lamentis (3):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 3 Lamentis)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (original) (0:00:09 > 0:01:10)
- deleted MARVEL STUDIOS original logos and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:01:10)
- deleted original LOKI intro (0:03:52)
- cut the unnecessary last part of the cabin scene (0:10:30)
- cut the entire scene on the mining town and the charger joke (0:12:13)
- cut part of the widow scene and relocated some dialogues (0:12:19 > 0:13:09)
- added "train whistle" and "rattle of tracks" SFX (0:14:15 > 0:14:30)
- reduced the length of the scene by cutting part of the talk (0:16:18)
- cut some seconds (0:17:09)
- cut some seconds and rearranged the scene (0:18:40 > 0:18:42)
- reframed the cello girl + Loki at the bar shots (0:20:27 + 0:20:44 + 20:58 + 21:29)
- cut and reconfigured the scene (0:26:09 > 0:26:24)
- reframed the shot and added slight pan down (0:27:13 > 0:27:21)
- cut some minutes and rearranged the scene: reduced the length of the entire scene by cutting part of the escape and added a final "explosion" SFX (0:30:07 > 0:30:13)
- added custom end credits (0:31:14)
MARVEL S05E04 The Nexus Event (4):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 4 The Nexus Event)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (original) (0:00:09 > 0:01:13)
- deleted MARVEL STUDIOS original logos and added "wind" SFX (0:01:13)
- reframed shot slightly and pan up (0:03:30)
- deleted original LOKI intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:03:34)
- reframed shot and added "rocks" overlay VFX and ambient light (0:06:18)
- added Asgard establishing shots (from Thor, 2011) + added music score + added Sound FX (crickets, night ambient, torches, cinematic stabs) + added whip pan blur transition + reframed (zoom in) the last shot (0:12:07 > 0:12:29)
- added "corrupted secream" SFX to Mobius (0:34:31)
- music increased slightly (0:34:54 > 0:35:17)
- cut, reframed and reordered several shots + added "punches, stabs and metal hits" SFX throughout the sequence (0:38:47 > 0:39:57)
- added "sparks" and several types of "metal sounds" SFX when Sylvie uses the blade and baton, and when the Guardian's head is cut off and it rolls down the stairs hitting the steps (0:40:05 > 0:40:17)
- added "metal hit" SFX and slightly camera shake when the head hits the floor (0:40:12)
- added slight zoom out (0:40:17)
- reframed shot (0:40:21)
- added "sparks" SFX (0:40:17 > 0:40:30)
- added "cinematic impact" SFX (0:40:31)
- added "Headless" music theme excerpt from LOKI season 1 soundtrack, to emphasize the scene (0:40:31 > 0:41:06)
- added "corrupted secream" SFX to Loki (0:41:55)
- added several "cinematic impacts" SFX (0:42:01 > 0:42:17)
- added "cinematic riser" SFX from The Matrix soundtrack (0:42:17)
- added custom end credits (0:42:19)
- custom version of the postcredits "Lokis" scene: cut to a minimum: we only see Loki's face, who wakes up, but we do not see the rest of the scene; now we reveal that Loki has survived but we leave the rest of the reveal for the next episode (0:44:41)
MARVEL S05E05 Journey Into Mystery (5):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 5 Journey Into Mystery)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:09 > 0:01:10)
- deleted the "Lokis" shot (it will be added later) (0:01:10)
- deleted MARVEL STUDIOS original logos (0:01:10)
- deleted "the Void" scene (it will be added later) (0:01:10)
- relocated here the "Ravonna and Sylvie" scene (taken from later in the episode) (0:01:15 > 0:03:08)
- reintegrated "the Void" scene, custom version (0:03:08 > 0:05:04)
- added several "thunderstrikes" SFX (0:04:26 >)
- reintegrated the "Lokis" scene inside "the Void" scene (0:04:36 > 0:05:04)
- added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:05:04)
- "the Void" scene continues + added several "thunderstrikes" SFX (0:05:43)
- deleted original LOKI intro and joining the previous and subsequent scenes with a musical bridge (0:06:06)
- deleted "Ravonna and Sylvie" scene (it was be added earlier) (0:06:06)
- added "cinematic impact" SFX (0:17:25)
- added "cinematic impact" SFX (0:17:37)
- added custom end credits (0:43:55)
- added brand new custom post credits scene based on "Marvel Snap: Loki for All Time Dev Diary Sizzle" animated commercial (0:46:27)
MARVEL S05E06 For All Time Always (6):
(contains Loki Season 1 Episode 6 For All Time Always)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (original) (0:00:09 > 0:01:21)
- deleted original MARVEL logos and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (no credits yet) (0:01:22)
- added lens flares to the tower shots to make it more visible (0:02:41 > 0:02:50)
- camera movement reversed: track out instead of track in (0:02:45)
- added "floating rocks" and "dust cloud" VFX to the shot to increase the depth of field (0:02:45)
- deleted original LOKI intro and added custom credits (0:02:50)
- added "dust clouds" VFX to all the exterior shots (0:02:45 > 0:04:37)
- cut the final second at the end of the corridor scene (0:08:22)
- added a better "light under the elevator door" VFX (0:09:08)
- added "camera shake" at the elevator shot (0:10:46)
- added "sword stab" SFX + added "Goodbyes" music theme excerpt ("riser") from LOKI season 1 soundtrack, to emphasize the scene (0:35:51)
- added "thunderstrike" SFX (0:36:12)
- added overlapped the "Kang" music theme notes from Quantumania soundtrack over the score of the scene, to foreshadow the Kangs coming (0:37:13 > 0:37:13)
- added "Sylvie arrives to Broxton" sequence extracted from Loki season 2 episode 1 as a postcredits scene (0:42:34)
MARVEL S05E07 Ouroboros (1):
(contains Loki Season 2 Episode 1 Ouroboros)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added new "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:13 > 0:01:57)
- deleted original MARVEL intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro + musical bridge with the "Kang" notes (0:01:58)
- deleted LOKI intro (0:06:12)
- added slight cam down to the head on the table (0:10:32)
- deleted shot of sleeping man (0:12:59)
- deleted shot of sleeping man, waking up (0:14:44)
- added custom end credits (0:38:50)
- added brand new "TVA Tech Tips" MacDonald's clip as custom post credits scene (0:41:20)
MARVEL S05E08 Breaking Brad (2):
(contains Loki Season 2 Breaking Brad)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added new "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:09 > 0:01:53)
- deleted original MARVEL intro (0:01:53)
- added "SOME TIME LATER" screen text (0:01:56)
- deleted original LOKI intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:07:31)
- reduced the scene by cutting some shots (0:15:27)
- reduced the corridor and automat scenes by cutting some shots (0:18:43 > 0:22:30)
- deleted some shots (0:23:26)
- added custom end credits (0:44:10)
- added brand new "TVA 17 Minutes" MacDonald's clip as custom post credits scene (0:46:37)
MARVEL S05E09 1893 (3):
(contains Loki Season 2 1893)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added new "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:10 > 0:02:59)
- deleted original MARVEL intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro Old Film version (0:02:59)
- deleted original LOKI intro (0:06:42)
- deleted some seconds of reiterative dialogues in the ferris wheel scene (0:27:14)
- added second "boat whistle" SFX at the ship scene (0:34:27)
- added custom end credits (0:49:53)
- added brand new "TVA Butterfly Effect" MacDonald's clip as custom post credits scene (0:52:19)
MARVEL S05E10 Heart Of The TVA (4):
(contains Loki Season 2 The Heart Of The TVA)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added new "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:11 > 0:02:25)
- deleted original MARVEL intro and added MARVEL The TV Series special intro (0:02:25)
- added "screams" SFX (0:03:04)
- deleted original LOKI intro (0:06:09)
- added custom end credits (white) (0:44:24)
- added brand new "Your Place At The TVA" MacDonald's clip as custom post credits scene (0:46:49)
MARVEL S05E11 Science Fiction (5):
(contains Loki Season 2 Science Fiction)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- "previously" recap (original) (0:00:11 > 0:01:24)
- deleted original MARVEL intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:01:24)
- deleted original LOKI intro + added "Clock Ticking" Sound FX (0:05:19)
- added custom end credits (0:39:30)
- added brand new "Trapped in a Time Loop" MacDonald's clip as custom post credits scene (0:42:00)
MARVEL S05E12 Glorious Purpose (6):
(contains Loki Season 2 Glorious Purpose)
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added new "previously" recap (custom) (0:00:11 > 0:03:45)
- deleted original MARVEL intro and added MARVEL The TV Series intro, inverted (0:03:45)
- delete "the He Who Rermains variant file" scene (it will be added later in the show) (0:46:07)
- added custom end credits (0:53:18)
- added "AFTER. BEFORE. AFTER. BEFORE?" screen text (0:55:58)
- added a custom "Young Janet stranded in the Quantum Realm" opening scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania as new post credits scene with brand new VFX, SFX and score added (0:56:11)
MARVEL S05E13 Quantumania (1):
(contains Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania IMAX)
- IMAX Enhanced episode
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- deleted original MARVEL intro (0:00:00)
- added "previously" recap (0:00:11 > 0:05:17)
- deleted "Young Janet stranded in the Quantum Realm" original opening (it was added earlier in the show)
- added "TWO YEARS LATER" text on screen (0:05:20)
- added as a new opening a custom version of "Look Out For The Little Guy" book commercial, edited as if it were a real Scott Lang commercial (0:05:23 > 0:06:45)
- added MARVEL The TV Series intro (special) (0:17:23)
- all along the episode, massive additions of brand new VFX to reduce the flatness of the original CGI/Stage Craft shots: added multiple layers of VFX like overlay elements (plants or rocks) + "dirty" the image with suspended particles, support light and dust clouds to provide credibility and naturalness to the world + reframing shots when necessary to add dynamism to some flat shots (0:18:58 > 0:52:02)
- reorderer the last two scenes to enhanced the final cliffhanger + added new music score ("Kang" notes) between the two scenes (0:50:01 > 0:52:02)
- reconstructed the MODOK first appearance scene: changed MODOK dimensions and reframed all his shots, rework and modified the audio and some voices, and exchanged the music score (added "Kang Bang" theme, custom version) to make Darren presentation less a joke (0:50:32)
- added custom end credits (0:52:02)
- added brand new custom version of "Heineken 0.0 Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania: Shrinking and Drinking, Now You Can! Extended Cut" Commercial (0:00:00)
MARVEL S05E14 The Conqueror Variant (2):
(contains Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania IMAX)
- IMAX Enhanced episode
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added "previously" recap (0:00:10 > 0:03:34)
- added new "AXIA city" establishing shot + text "AXIA, CITY OF THE CONQUEROR" on screen (0:03:37)
- all along the episode, modified MODOK: changed MODOK dimensions and reframed all his shots (0:04:09 > 0:05:27 + 0:17:36 > 0:17:49 + 0:23:09 > 0:23:25 + 0:32:28 > 0:32:28 + 0:33:29 + 0:43:47 > 0:43:56)
- all along the episode, reframed some shots
- added flash shots of Janet and Kang's first meeting (0:05:32 > 0:05:34)
- added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:15:43)
- added "metal footsteps" Sound FX (0:16:18)
- all along the episode, massive additions of brand new VFX to reduce the flatness of the original CGI/Stage Craft shots: added multiple layers of VFX like overlay elements (plants or rocks) + "dirty" the image with suspended particles, support light and dust clouds to provide credibility and naturalness to the world + reframing shots when necessary to add dynamism to some flat shots (0:31:10 > 0:32:17 0:32:47 > 0:33:13 + 0:33:34 > 0:34:07 + 0:38:00 > 0:40:00)
- added extra support light VFX (0:34:49 > 0:35:58 + 0:41:37 > 0:42:20)
- added custom end credits (0:43:57)
- added custom version of "Heineken 0.0 Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania: Now You Can Before Saving the Day!" Commercial (0:00:00)
MARVEL S05E15 The End Is Just The Prologue (3):
(contains Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania IMAX)
- IMAX Enhanced episode
- added NOTFLIX logo (0:00:00)
- added "previously" recap (0:00:09 > 0:04:24)
- added MARVEL The TV Series intro (0:05:39)
- all along the episode, massive additions of brand new VFX to reduce the flatness of the original CGI/Stage Craft shots: added multiple layers of VFX like overlay elements (plants or rocks) + "dirty" the image with suspended particles, support light and dust clouds to provide credibility and naturalness to the world + reframing shots when necessary to add dynamism to some flat shots (0:06:52 > 0:28:06)
- all along the episode, modified MODOK: changed MODOK dimensions and reframed his shots all along the episode (0:06:30 > 0:07:20 + 0:11:56 > 0:12:58 + 0:19:25 + 0:20:17 > 0:21:28)
- added new music score at the end of the last scene (0:30:25)
- added "LATER" screen text (0:30:50)
- added a custom, reedited version of the "He Who Rermains variant file" scene (from Loki S02E06) as the first part of the post credits scene (0:30:57)
- edited the original post credits scene (reordered, reframed and inverted some shots + added new support light VFX + added new Sound FX like metal footsteps, thunderstrikes, ambient and new music score at some points) (0:31:21)
- added custom end credits (0:32:53)
MARVEL Season 5 BONUS Original End Titles Compilation (Special):
(contains Original End Titles)
- added NOTFLIX logo
- added all the Original Main On End Title Credits: Loki Season 1, Loki Season 2, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
- added custom end credits
Additional Notes:
“A new saga begins. After avoiding his destiny by escaping from the Battle of New York in 2012 creating a new timeline, this alternate Loki is arrested by the TVA (Time Variance Authority) and taken out of time. Now the "variant" Loki must face trial for crimes against the timeline, but his transgression will unleash a series of events that will lead to chaos of alternate realities. The Multiverse has been born.” MARVEL The TV Series continues its path to make the journey of the Marvel’s greatest superheroes the most epic adventure ever.
Other Sources:
- Original Soundtracks
- Original Trailers
- Deleted Scenes 1080p BluRay
- Royalty free music
- TV Commercials (McDonalds, Heineken 0,0, Marvel's SNAP)
- New custom elements and FX (Royalty free Sound FX and VFX overlays, particles, dust, smoke, etc.)
- New custom scenes (from Pompeii, 2014 + Thor, 2011)
General fan edit changes (more detailed in section “Cuts and Additions”:
- New episodic TV series format (split the films into multiple episodes), around 40 min/1 hour x episode (around 20 episodes per season), including all the features that make the TV shows so addictive and affordable
- Episodes placed in chronological order to effectively understand the linearity of the general story the MCU tells (however, from season 5 onwards, as the MCU opened up to multiple parallel narrative lines, the series will change to a very personal but thoughtful thematic order, suitable as long as this does not incur continuity problems)
- Integrated films, Disney+ shows and different special materials within the same TV series in a homogeneous way, in order to enhance a unique sensation of continuity thank to the exclusive narrative tools of the serialized TV shows
- “Previously” recaps created for each episode to keep the audience perfectly aware of every detail necessary to fully enjoy the show, and so detailed and enjoyable that they often are like mini-specials before each episode (similar to what Marvel currently does with their Marvel Studios: Legends featurettes).
- Re-ordered/re-edit some sequences to improve the narrative
- Rearranged post-credits scenes in some episodes to avoid spoilers, something impossible to do easily when watching the movies in chronological order
- Added (and VFX completed if needed) most relevant deleted scenes in some episodes or cut those that hurt the story
- IMAX versions used if available (expanded aspect ratio to 1.90:1 and enhanced visuals)
- Music score, sound FX or VFX added in some episodes (normally minor changes, but that improve the scenes)
- A lot of exclusive changes for each episode (you can consult them in detail in section “Cuts and Additions”)
- Added to the MCU the X-Verse (FOX) and the Spider-Verse (Sony) alternate universes in a narratively consistent way, creating new, exclusive material as a glue to assemble everything in the same multiverse
- “NOTFLIX Fan Edits” logos + new "MARVEL The TV Series" Intro (to enhance the sense of continuity) + condensed end credits added in each episode
- English and Spanish subtitles created from the scratch or adapted by hand from the official subs and checked to be as accurate as possible
Episode List:
Season Five Theme: The Multiverse Unleashed
MARVEL S05E01 Glorious Purpose (1)
MARVEL S05E02 The Variant (2)
MARVEL S05E03 Lamentis (3)
MARVEL S05E04 The Nexus Event (4)
MARVEL S05E05 Journey Into Mystery (5)
MARVEL S05E06 For All Time Always (6)
MARVEL S05E07 Ouroboros (1)
MARVEL S05E08 Breaking Brad (2)
MARVEL S05E09 1893 (3)
MARVEL S05E10 Heart Of The TVA (4)
MARVEL S05E11 Science Fiction (5)
MARVEL S05E12 Glorious Purpose (6)
MARVEL S05E13 Quantumania (1) IMAX
MARVEL S05E14 The Conqueror Variant (2) IMAX
MARVEL S05E15 The End Is Just The Prologue (3) IMAX
MARVEL Season 5 BONUS Original End Titles Compilation (Special)
* (All the episodes have a number (*) which indicates that they are part of a mini-arc usually made up of 2 or 3 episodes, and that they come from the same movie. If they form arcs of more episodes it is because they come from a TV show)