Halloween. Most people think little further than the strange custom of having their children wear masks and go out trick or treating in the hope of getting some candy. An unexplained event of terrifying horror in 1963 however, would change the sleepy little town of Haddonfield forever. Whilst the town would still celebrate the festival of Halloween, Doctor Sam Loomis knew that it was only a matter of time before the shape of terror which formed itself back in 1963 would return. Thus, it is time to unveil a portrait of terror which will haunt you forever.
Halloween: A Portrait of Terror attempts to tell the story of Laurie Strode and her plight for survival against the seemingly unstoppable evil that is Michael Myers, aka "The Shape", over a period of 20 years. The intention is also to try and emphasize the mysterious nature of Michael by holding back any detailed shots of him until well into the first film. The hope is that you will think of Myers more as "The Shape" than ever before. A previously ordinary boy, transformed by something ancient into a pure representation of evil.... a shape of terror. Happy Halloween!
Change List:
Too many to mention.... Here's a list of the most obvious ones... - New pre-credit sequence constructed, incorporating H20 and Halloween to tell the back story of Michael Myers. - New Title sequence created. - Many scenes re-scored in an attempt to make the transition from Halloween II to H20 less jarring - utilising music from all the "classic series" Halloween films, plus music from a couple of other sources. - Sound replacement carried out for numerous scenes, including complete sound replacement during the finale of H20 where Laurie drives off with Michael's body, allowing different music to be used. - Any shots of Michael in Halloween are truncated to make him a more mysterious presence, holding back any detailed shots until the finale begins. - Halloween II drastically recut to keep the emphasis on Laurie's character, meaning many kill scenes featuring unnecessary characters are removed. - Colour correction on H20 to try to boost the contrast and take away the softer element which the picture has. - H20 truncated, again to try and keep the emphasis on Laurie as much as possible. - New end credits created.
Additional Notes:
Other Sources:
Halloween 4 - The Return of Michael Myers Halloween Resurrection Music from Dynatron's album "Aeternus" Music from John Carpenter's album "Lost Themes".
Special Thanks:
Sophie Welch, Nadia Quarcoopome, BionicBob, DwightFry and anyone who followed the "In the Works" thread on this site.