Back in March, I released a project that I had been working on on and off known as Dune: Kwisatz Haderach -- Part 1, which was an experimental cut I made to see if you could trim down the first part of Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of the epic science fiction novel, Dune, and still retain a cohesive story while doing so. Once I released that project, I knew I had to give Dune: Part 2 the Kwisatz Haderach treatment as well. With nearly 30 minutes of footage cut from the original 2 hr 46 min runtime, I was able to create a streamlined yet still cohesive cut of Dune Part 2.
I am proud to present Dune: Kwisatz Haderach -- Part 2.
To create a shortened yet still cohesive version of Dune Part 2.
Change List:
- 00:00:00:00: Added fanedit disclaimer.
- 00:00:07:20: Added Dark Netflix style logo.
- 00:00:13:14: Added my faneditor logo.
- 00:00:19:04: Sardaukar language prologue has been removed from the start of the film.
- 00:01:30:14: Shaddam IV's appearance as well as Baron Harkonnen and Rabban have been removed from Irulan's monologue intro.
- 00:10:55:10: The scene including Rabban's temper tantrum has been removed for pacing.
- 00:11:52:20: Shortened the translation exchange between Paul and Chani to remove the moment along quicker.
- 00:13:48:05: Removed Stilgar's meeting with the tribe elders for pacing purposes.
- 00:19:49:07: Removed Paul looking over at the tribesman staring at him.
- 00:20:57:15: Removed the final 24 seconds of the exchange between Paul, Chani, and others for pacing.
- 00:22:59:20: Removed the old Reverend Mother and others' reaction for dramatic effect and pacing.
- 00:24:19:15: Removed Stilgar gushing over Paul being the Mahdi because the humor felt out of pace, and wanted to make Stilgar more serious in this version. It was also removed for pacing as well.
- 00:26:40:08: Removed Stilgar jump scaring Paul for the same reason as my previous removal. I also wanted to move the conversation along as well.
- 00:30:02:10: Removed Lady Jessica and Alia scheming to veil such scheming slightly more than it was in the official film. That, and I feel like she would keep her communication with her preborn child more under wraps to not frighten potential followers for Paul.
- 00:30:43:07: Removed shot of the Harkonnen soldier solely for pacing purposes.
- 00:46:16:13: Shortened this bit of the conversation between Paul and Stilgar to make it seem as if Paul understands the gravity of the situation immediately instead of joking at first.
- 00:52:08:14: Removed close up on Stilgar for pacing purposes.
- 00:53:34:06: Removed Lady Jessica communicating with Alia for pacing purposes.
- 00:53:37:11: Removed shot of the tribesmen for pacing purposes.
- 00:55:31:10: Removed Lady Jessica's departure to the South for pacing purposes.
- 01:01:52:04: Removed the conversation between Princess Irulan and Reverend Mother Mohiam as I wanted to excise the Lady Margot Fenring/Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen sub-plot from the film, as it will more than likely go nowhere from here. Removed Feyd-Rautha's initial introduction not only for pacing, but to introduce him in the arena instead as well.
- 01:02:42:11 - 01:07:39:18: Removed Lady Margot and her Bene Gesserit sisters' appearances as the sub-plot for securing the Harkonnen bloodline through Feyd-Rautha and Lady Margot is completely excised from this version.
- 01:08:22:12: Removed Feyd-Rautha asking about Rabban to make him seem more ruthless and more uncaring toward his older brother.
- 01:08:28:22: The following sequence was removed to excise the previously mention Feyd-Rautha/Lady Margot subplot.
- 01:18:10:02: Shortened this moment to help make Chani appear more sincere with her concern for Paul and what he plans to do.
- 01:18:26:13: Removed the sequence regarding Paul, Gurney, Chani and Stilgar finding the Atreides atomics stash to make their missile use later in the film more of a surprise.
- 01:23:37:19: Removed Feyd-Rautha humiliating Rabban for pacing purposes.
- 01:24:48:00: Removed the exchange between Paul and an injured Stilgar for pacing purposes.
- 01:25:35:11: Removed the exchange between Chani, Gurney, and Shishakli to keep the focus on Paul.
- 01:28:04:06: Removed the sequence of Shishakli's death at Feyd-Rautha's hands because to me it because it felt random and jarring after seeing her just speaking with Paul, Chani, and Gurney. It was also removed for pacing.
- 01:30:38:18: Removed adult Alia from Paul's vision as I'd rather her first appearance be saved for Dune: Messiah. I attempted to make it look as though it's Paul in the vision instead of her.
- 01:35:39:09: Removed the revealing flashback of Baron Harkonnen being Lady Jessica's father and Paul's grandfather as I'd rather it be lightly foreshadowed to and a "I am your father" moment toward the end of the film.
- 01:35:53:08: Removed Paul's lines here for the reason previously cited.
- 01:36:01:06: Removed Paul's lines here for the reason previously cited.
- 01:36:11:05: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:36:55:22: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:36:59:14: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:37:15:20: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:38:12:00: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:38:42:15: Removed shot for pacing.
- 01:39:07:04: Removed Paul yelling at Stilgar. I get that he's somewhat arrogant new with his new prescient abilities, but the moment is alittle much.
- 01:41:36:22: Removed the beginning of Paul's line to quicken up the pace of his speech.
- 01:41:59:06: Removed the shot of Chani glaring at Paul for pacing.
- 01:42:31:21: Removed the shot of Princess Irulan picking up the cylinder to read Paul's message to her father. The beginning of her lines from the removed shot were moved to play over Shaddam IV walking away.
- 01:42:57:23: Removed the Reverend Mother Mohiam's lines here to quicken up the pace of the conversation.
- 01:43:37:22: Removed the conversation between Chani and Lady Jessica for pacing reasons.
- 01:46:07:12: Removed the shots of Chani getting ready and looking out for pacing reasons.
- 01:46:34:00: Removed the shots of Rabban, Princess Irulan, and Feyd-Rautha to keep focus on Baron Harkonnen, and quicken the pace of the moment.
- 01:51:06:23: Removed six shots to quicken the pace of the Fedyakin attack up some.
- 01:52:02:08: Removed the shot of the Sardaukar troops running from the sandworms for pacing.
- 01:53:34:21: Removed the shot of the Sardaukar bashar for pacing.
- 01:54:05:10: Removed the close-up on the Sardaukar bashar to make the following explosion appear to happen quicker.
- 01:55:36:15: Removed the shot of Paul staring down at Baron Harkonnen for pacing.
- 01:58:14:20: Removed the shot of Fedyakin soldiers burning fallen Harkonnen bodies for pacing.
- 01:58:19:14: Removed the shot of Baron Harkonnen's lifeless body laying in the desert for pacing.
- 02:00:37:02: Removed the shot of Reverend Mother Mohiam calling Paul "abomination".
- 02:02:43:23: Removed the exchange of Gurney and Stilgar speaking about Paul's decision to fight Feyd-Rautha for pacing.
- 02:03:30:03: Removed Feyd-Rautha mocking Paul to quicken the pace, and make his following attack more vicious.
- 02:07:05:22: Removed the telepathic exchange between Reverend Mother Mohiam and Lady Jessica for pacing reasons.
- 02:07:14:08: Removed the close-up shot on Feyd-Rautha's lifeless face to quicken the pace of Paul approaching Shaddam IV.
- 02:07:39:01: Removed the shots of Reverend Mother Mohiam, Princess Irulan, and Shaddam IV staring down at Paul's hand. Also removed Paul stomping to prompt Shaddam IV's submission.
- 02:08:14:14: Shortened the close-up on Princess Irulan for pacing.
- 02:09:22:16: Removed shot of the marching Fedyakin for pacing.
- 02:09:43:05: Removed Chani's exit to leave her fate more ambiguous than in the official version.
- 02:10:49:06: Removed Leá Seydoux's name from the credits as she has been completely removed from the film.
Other Sources:
Dune: Part Two 4K Blu-ray: The film was sourced from this release.
Dune: Part Two (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Hans Zimmer CD: Select tracks were taken from here for scene bridging purposes.
Special Thanks:
o Frank Herbert: For creating a wonderful and weird franchise that will stand the test of time.
To Denis Villeneuve: For creating a great adaptation of a fantastic work of art that was considered "unfilmable" for decades.