Terrifier Part II Art Appreciation

Updated: 21st July 2024

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Terrifier Part II Art Appreciation

Faneditor: Samael Lynch  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 30th May 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:25m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:53m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Terrifier 2 (2022)   
Original Release Date: 8th July 2022
Original Runtime: 2h:18m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: English


Art the Clown is back in Miles County causing all kinds of havoc and insanity, this time setting his sights on a pair of siblings. This time it’s a whole lot shorter.


-My main intention of this edit was to get the film around the 80-minute mark just like the old 80s slashers the film has clearly been inspired by. I just got bored during the original runtime and for what? In my humble opinion slasher films shouldn’t be above the 90-minute mark, a lot of films shouldn’t. -Cropped the entire film to 1920x900 -Replaced the entire score mostly with music by the legendary John Carpenter, some Tangerine Dream. -Removed most if not all scenes of the brother character by himself. He’s now a side character instead of a main character with a needless subplot. -Removed all mention of the father character, they quite literally spend half an hour yapping about him I’m not kidding. This needed to go for me.

Change List:

-Want to point out there a lot of new songs and tracks in this edit, Not everything is listed here because I just lost track of the tracks. -Added John Carpenter’s Alive after Death over the opening. -Removed the scene or Art in the morgue, yes, it’s a cool scene but it doesn’t serve any purpose for me and just halts the story even more. -Added Orphan Egg to the first kitchen scene. -Removed scenes of the brother looking up Art online and seeing things from the first film. -Removed scenes of Sienna and her mom talking about that there might be something wrong with Jonathon. -Shortened the scene of Jonathen coming to Sienna for some superglue. -Put the laundromat scene right after Sienna says that the miles county clown is probably far away from here to have a funny monster squad / Night of the creep’s joke. -Removed the one fella waking up and not being able to see the little girl, didn’t really like this. -Added a song to the laundromat scene. -When Sienna is watching Tv add some fun horror films. A Return to Salem’s Lot, Texas 4 -Added A Nightmare on Elm Street’s main theme when Sienne transcends into the dream. -Remove the annoying nun in the dream sequence. -Added Abyss to the dream sequence. -Have Sienna react to the fire in her room quicker. -With the fire aftermath scene removed most of the dialogue, keeping things silent for the most part. -Added Track 7 of the Keep soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. -Removed the little girl watching the tv and seeing footage from the previous film, we know what happened, no need to rehash it all again. Instead, she watches a horror film. -Added Weeping Ghost to Art making his weapon thingy. -Removed scenes of Jonathan at school doing school stuff. -Removed the scene of Jonahtan discovering Art and the little girl playing with the possum, I found it hard to cut a scene with Art since it’s pretty funny but the brother subplot is just something I want gone. If it meant sacrificing a good scene so, be it. -Removed scene of Jonahtan at home and his mom talking about the stuff at school -Removed Art and Allie meeting up in the Halloween store to delay the scare of Art being there for Sienne, she scares, and we scare. -When they first meet in the real-world Mannequins from the Tourist Trap soundtrack plays. -Cut Art going after Sienna, locking the door, grabbing his bag, like what are we doing here this takes so long and gives us nothing back. -Stopped the intercutting in the Halloween shop, it’s now one scene. -Removed the gag with Art and the decapitated head pretending to be a mannequin, it’s funny sure but it’s almost a minute long. -The scene with Sienna and Allie in the grocery store is now one scene as well. -Added the People are Strange to the grocery store scene. -Instead of some news broadcast thingy Sienna is now watching Stage Fright -Added Keys from the Hitcher soundtrack to the scene of Art Trick R treating. -Shortened the scene of Art Trick r treating. -Removed the scene of Sienna and the mom talking about what the brother did at school. -There is this other subplot going on about the sibling’s father being somehow connected to Art. And Sienna being some sort of chosen one who will kill art. I really, really disliked this as it took out a lot of mystery. Art in my opinion shouldn’t have lore or backstory or something. He should just kill and be an evil clown. That’s what I want out of these films. -Added The Dead Walk to Sienna dressing in her Halloween costume. -Stopped the intercutting in the bedroom scene with Sienna’s friend, it’s now one scene. -Replaced the music of the Halloween party with Nuovo Testamento - The Searcher -Cut down a lot of the Halloween Party, it just really drags. Also removed the meeting of Sienna Jeff to make it so that they already know one another. -Removed all dialogue from the scene of Art giving candy to kids, not sure why I did that just preferred it like this, the dialogue to that scene doesn’t add anything at all. -Continued with my quest to make the mom be more friendly, this is also done in her final scene. -Shortened a lot of the car scene to the carnival, that scene was going on for so long. -Also removed the other end of the phone call, we don’t know what’s happening. -Added Are you Alright to the car scene. -Added the Naughty Ghost to Sienna in the carnival. -Added Dust in the wind to the car scene with Brooke and Jeff. -Added I’ll be there for you during the dick stabbing scene -Added I ran so far away right after -After I ran ends we transition into Carpathian Darkness. -Removed the post credit scene -Added something funny to the very end.post

Additional Notes:

Davinci Resolve to edit.

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