Evil Dead Rise [raymix]

Updated: 10th July 2024

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Evil Dead Rise [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:36m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:3m:0s
Time Added: 0h:2m:0s
Franchise: Evil Dead
Genre: HorrorZombie
Original Title: Evil Dead Rise (2023)   
Original Release Date: 5th November 2023
Original Runtime: 1h:36m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I've made extensive alterations in order to summon my ideal version. Extensive changes have been made to strengthen continuity, remove filler & improve pacing.


My intention was to create a tighter version, employing extensive altertions.

Change List:

CHANGES: PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the fanedit.org logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -added rumble as the New Line logo comes together. -added a New Line / Renaissance Pictures credit. -added a "a Lee Cronin film" credit. OPENING- -cut the New Line / Renaissance Pictures credit. -cut the Pacific Renaissance / Wild Atlantic Pictures credit. -added rumble leading up to the POV passing over foliage. -added a sound as the POV passes under a tree branch. IN THE CABIN- -cut Teresa saying "Good chat" when Jessica is unresponsive. -extended a shot of Teresa before she walks away from the bed. -added rumble when Teresa notices that Jessica is sitting up. -additional thud sound when Jessica falls to the floor. IN THE CLUB- -cut the One Day Earlier text. -added One Day Earlier text in the usual [raymix] font. -shortened a shot of Beth using the pregnancy test. -cut Beth telling the roadie "Just go man your station." EARTHQUAKE- -cut Kassie thinking she's peed her pants. IN THE CORRIDOR- -cut Mr. Fonda calling Beth "The groupie." -reversed a shot so that Ellie looks away, down the corridor. -re-timed Mr. Fonda's "Lemme ask you somethin.' Can you hear up there?" BLACKOUT- -cut the shot tracking down the hallway. WHAT'S COOKIN'?- -cut some of Ellie stuttering on the word "melodies." TRAPPED- -added additional rumbling to the shot of the destroyed stairway. REST IN PEACE- -added rumble when Ellie's eyes open. -cut Beth's "Wasn't" after "She's not religious." -extended a shot of Beth. -Gabriel's "It's just a few words" is heard over a shot of Beth. -cut Mr. Fonda's "What happened to her face?" during Gabriel's prayer. -replaced a shot of Mr. Fonda with a shot of Beth. -added rumble after Gabriel says "Rest in peace." -cut Mr. Fonda saying "Looks like somebody beat her up." FINDING A WAY OUT- -shortened the shot of the elevator doors closing so they don't bounce. HALLWAY MASSACRE- -added a shotgun blast sound when Ellie is shot. -added a shotgun blast sound when Mr. Fonda is attacked. BRIDGET CONFRONTS DANNY- -added a cue from the track Opening the Book as Beth says "Never turn on each other." DANNY REVEALS HIS FINDINGS- -cue from Opening the Book continues until Beth asks "What is that, Danny?" -added additional sound effects when the wound on Bridget's face goes bad. DEMON AT THE DOOR- -re-scored the end of the scene with the track Say Cheese. -cut Danny calling for Beth's attention after she locks the door. -cut Beth telling the kids to go to their room. BRIDGET & BETH- -added crunching glass sounds as Beth approaches Bridget. KASSIE & BETH- -tighter cut between "You'd be a good mom" / "Oh yeah?" -re-timed Kassie's "Yeah." -quicker cadence on "Yeah. You know how to lie to kids." MAKE-SHIFT POWER GENERATOR- -add a thunder sound after Beth says "I can fix that." BRIDGET RETURNS- -extended a shot of Danny with the knife in his arm. ESCAPE- -added sounds as Ellie pulls the scissors out of her nose. -re-edited the "Dead by dawn" chant so it builds to a consistent rhythm. -shortened a shot of the elevator doors trying to close. -cut a shot of Beth re-loading the shotgun. -shortened a shot of Kassie crawling to get the keys. -added rumble as the image of the Marauder is revealed in the book. IN THE PARKING GARAGE- -cut Beth saying "Turn it on, Kassie!" -shortened the shot after Kassie flips the switch on the wood chipper -added a shot of the wood chipper starting after Kassie flips the switch. POST-CREDITS- -added a shot of the high rise building. -extended the shot of the right rise. -added rain sounds. -added demonic sounds from the original EVIL DEAD. -added my production logo. -added the voice saying "Join us" from the original EVIL DEAD.

Additional Notes:

I've tried to stay true to the editing style set by Bryan Shaw in the original cut. My editing is extensive, but I didn't want any obvious changes.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: Main- -Evil Dead Rise (Warner Bros. bluray, 2023) Additional- -Evil Dead Rise Soundtrack (Varèse Sarabande Records, 2023) -Sound Effects (youtube.com)

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