Evil Dead II- Dead By Dawn [raymix]

Updated: 6th July 2024

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Evil Dead II- Dead By Dawn [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 15th April 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:5m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Evil Dead
Genre: ComedyHorrorZombie
Original Title: Evil Dead II (1987)   
Original Release Date: 2nd July 1987
Original Runtime: 1h:24m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I've made extensive alterations in order to summon my ideal version. Many changes have been made to strengthen continuity, remove filler & improve pacing.


My intention was to create a tighter version that injects new energy while retaining the original mood.

Change List:

CHANGES: PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the fanedit.org logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -cut the rating warning. -cut the Rosebud Releasing logo. -added wind sounds. -new Renaissance Pictures credit. -new "A Sam Raimi Film" credit. HISTORY OF THE BOOK OF THE DEAD- -moved this to later on, during Prof. Knowby's recording. TITLE CARD- -moved this to later on, post-re-cap. THE RE-CAP BEGINS- -slow fade-in on the tunnel shot. -added evil POV sound effects. -evil POV sounds fade into the sound of the car engine. -added a car drive-by sound effect as the car passes frame. -added a "Previously (an abridged re-cap)" title. AT THE CABIN- -a different section of the piano piece plays as we see the cabin. --altered the EQ as the piano is heard from outside. -shortened the shot of Ash playing piano. -added footstep sounds as Linda dances. -cut Linda getting poked by the necklace during the hug. -cut Linda holding the necklace up after Ash asks what she thinks of it. -cut a shot of Linda & Ash looking at each other. -shortened a shot of Linda & Ash about to kiss before Linda pulls away. -cut Ash saying "After all, I'm a man & you're a woman." -cut Ash telling Linda he found a recording & Linda telling him to play it. -added a shot of the tape recorder. -added a sound for the wine bottle being sat on the table. -crossfade from Ash listening to the recording to the excavation site. -crossfade from the excavation site back to the recorder. -cross-fade to the Book of the Dead info, cut from the opening. LINDA, POSSESSED- -additional thunder sound as Ash enters the room, looking for Linda. -new sound effect for the bottle hitting the floor & shattering. -added rumble as Ash surveys the room. -shortened a shot before Ash walks into frame. -shortened a shot after Ash walks behind a tree. -added rumble when Linda pops up. BURYING LINDA- -new thunder sound after Ash sticks the cross into the ground. -new crossfade to the title sequence. -new thunder sound as we crossfade to the title sequence. TITLE CARD- -moved the title sequence from the beginning. -extended the smokey effect. -removed the Renaissance Pictures credit. -the II fades in more slowly. -added a sound as the camera passes through the D. -masked the tunnel fading-in between the II. -added a sound as the camera passes through the II. -added a cue from the track Ash's Dream. -new sub-title zooms-in between the II. -added rumble as the sub-title lands on screen. -new sub-title title card. (Dead by Dawn) -vine-like fade-out. AND NOW, THE REST OF OUR STORY- -fade in as the evil POV travels to the cabin. -adjusted the contrast on a shot of the sunrise. -fade to black as Ash passes out by the puddle. -black frames linger, suggesting the passing of time. -removed the piano notes as Ash lays unconscious by the puddle. -fade-in on Ash, still asleep by the puddle. -added rumble as Ash opens his eyes. -cut a shot of Ash contemplating before he drives away. AT THE BRIDGE- -cut some of Ash's breakdown. -added additional wind sounds. -cut Ash telling himself to get a hold of himself. -cut the bad green-screen shot of Ash & the sunset. CHASED BACK TO THE CABIN- -darkened all shots during the chase before the real night footage begins. -cut the beginning of a POV shot for consistent speed. -additional sound effects when Ash crashes his car. -additional sound effects when Ash's head hits the stump. -shortened a shot of the POV heading towards the car. LANDING- -removed Annie's "Thank you" as she exits the plane. (her mouth doesn't move) -added sounds when the chest is put in the car. (thud, bumping, car springs) -fixed sync on Ed's "What has he found in the book of the dead?" BACK AT THE CABIN- -added some clattering that gets Ash's attention before the boards fall off the window. LINDA RETURNS- -shortened a shot so the cross falls over sooner. -cut Ash not being able to scream. -shortened the shot of Ash fumbling with the fake Linda head in his lap. -cut some of Ash smashing the fake Linda head into things. -cut some of Ash making his way to the work shed. -added sounds as Linda's head is squeezed into the vice. ROADBLOCK- -added rumble as the headlights reveal the destroyed bridge. -cut the 2nd shot of the destroyed bridge. -Annie's "There must be another way" is heard over a different shot. LED BY THE HAND- -shortened two shots of Ash's hand dragging him across the floor. A FAREWELL TO ARMS- -shortened Ash taping his wrist up. THE WRONG MAN- -added rumble when we see the cellar door as Jake suggests throwing Ash in. HENRIETTA ATTACKS- -shortened a shot of Henrietta before she says "I'll swallow your soul!" -cut a shot of the Henrietta head as she grabs Jake's face. EYEBALL FLYBALL- -tighter cut as Ash stomps the door & the eyeball pops out. -additional squish sound as Henrietta's head is smashed in the door. -added a sound as the eyeball flies through the air. -added a splat sound as the eyeball lands in Bobby Joe's mouth. ASH TELLS HIS TALE- -added reverb to the evil POV sound, bridging into the next shot. -tighter cut from the evil POV to Ash throwing a log onto the fire. ED, POSSESSED- -added rumble when Ed reveals himself to be possessed. -cut a wide shot. -Ed's "We are the things that were..." is heard over a different shot. -cut a shot of Ash looking worried. -cut Ed saying "Spirits of the Book." -moved Ed & Henrietta's laughter to a bit latter. -cut the goo splattering the deer head, removing a continuity error. SOUNDS ALL AROUND- -cut the odd shot of the clock stopping. -re-arranged shots of Annie & Ash / Bobby Joe & Jake. WHAT'S IN THERE- -cut Annie & Ash's slow walk to the door. -replaced the sounds as Bobby Joe & Jake stumble into the room. -additional rhythmic booming sounds as Prof. Knowby appears. -edited Prof. Knowby's dialog to be more clear. -added rumble as Prof. Knowby disappears. -shortened the shot after Jake says "I'm not holding your hand." -tighter cut after Jake says "Where's Bobby Joe?" BOBBY JOE ATTACKED BY THE WOODS- -shortened a shot of Bobby Joe running through the trees. -cut a shot of vines crawling across the ground. -cut a shot of the vines going into Bobby Joe's mouth. -switched shots of Bobby Joe's eye & vines covering the frame. -shortened Bobby Joe being dragged. -added rumble as Bobby Joe is pulled into the tree/the framed pages break. STUDYING THE PAGES- -cut Jake seeing the evil tree outside. -cut Jake asking about Bobby Joe a second time. -added wind sounds as Jake looks out the window. -cut Ash's "I feel like someone just walked over my grave." -edited Annie's translation of the book to be faster, more intense. JAKE TAKES CHARGE- -cut Ash asking "Where to now?" after pointing out that there's no trail. -shortened a shot of the trio waking before Jake cuts between Ash & Annie. -cut Jake's first call for "Bobby Joe!" -shortened the first evil POV shot. ASH, POSSESSED- -added rumble as Ash reveals himself to be possessed. JAKE'S DEMISE- -cut a shot of Annie grabbing Jake's legs as he's pulled into the cellar. ASH ATTACKS!- -added rumble when Ash pops up. -shortened a wide shot. HENRIETTA RETURNS- -shortened a shot so the tear in the Henrietta suit isn't visible. -cut Annie reacting when Henrietta grabs Ash. -new sound effects when Ash is thrown against the boarded up window. -cut a shot of Ash reacting as Henrietta transforms. -cut the stop-motion head transformation. -added the shot of Ash reacting cut earlier. -cut the 1st stop-motion attack. -shortened a shot of Ash punching the head. -cut the 2nd stop-motion attack. -cut a close-up of Ash. -cut two close-up shots of the head. -cut the 3rd stop-motion attack. -slo-mo on the head explosion. FINAL SHOWDOWN- -additional rumble as the cabin begins to shake. -cut a shot of branches hitting the cabin. -added sound effects for the chimney being smashed. -added sound effects as the chimney bricks fall into the fireplace. -added sound effect for the ceiling falling in behind Ash. -shortened a shot of Annie. -edited some of Annie's dialog for clarity. -cut the heads on the side of the head celebrating. -added sound effects for the car & tree being pulled into the portal. -added additional wind sounds as the Evil is pulled into the portal. -added sound effects as the tree-hand is pulled through the window. THROUGH THE PORTAL- -additional wind sounds when the door is pulled off. -cut the Christmas lights & lightning. BACK IN TIME- -shot-by-shot color & contrast adjustments. -cut a bad matte shot of the flying demon. -shortened the shot after the demon's head explodes. END CREDITS- -added the title card before the credits. -added a cue from the track Ash's Dream. -added rumble as the title fades out. -fade-in on the Sam Raimi credit. POST-CREDITS- -removed the fly sounds. -added wind sounds. -added a shot of the cabin, extended & reversed from earlier. -added a cue from the track Evil Begins Anew. -added my production logo. -added the voice saying "Join us."

Additional Notes:

I've tried to stay true to the editing style set by Kaye Davis in the original cut. My editing is extensive, but I didn't want any obvious changes.

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