The Evil Dead [raymix]

Updated: 6th July 2024

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The Evil Dead [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 7th April 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:13m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:13m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Evil Dead
Genre: HorrorZombie
Original Title: The Evil Dead (1981)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1981
Original Runtime: 1h:25m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I've made extensive alterations in order to summon my ideal version. Extensive changes have been made to strengthen continuity, remove filler & improve pacing.


My intention was to create a tighter version that injects new energy while retaining the original mood.

Change List:

CHANGES: PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -the fly sound begins sooner. -extended the fly sound. -new Renaissance Pictures credit. -new "a Sam Raimi film" credit. TITLE CARD- -removed the Renaissance Pictures credit. -a new synth drone plays as the title appears. -new title card. -title fades into the fog. OVER THE MARSH- -new synth merges into the opening music. -added some bubbling sounds as we pass by the stump in the marsh. -added gurgling & bubbling sounds as we pass by the car in the marsh. DRIVING TO THE CABIN- -cut a shot of Ash looking into the camera. -a different part of Shelly's singing is heard from outside the car. --altered the EQ so the singing seems to be coming from inside the car. --added gravel road & wind sounds as singing is heard outside the car. -cut a shot of Scotty driving recklessly around a corner. -cut a shot of Ash reading the map. -cut Scotty saying "Yeah?" as Ash finds their location on the map. -cut a POV shot in the woods. -cut a quick shot of the truck approaching. -tighter cut as Scotty honks while passing the fishermen on the road. -cut a shot of Ash with his mouth hanging open. --replaced it with a shot of Cheryl & Linda, cut later. -tighter cut between "Nobody's seen this place?"/"It might not be that bad." -cut a shot of Linda & Ash. -Ash's "This is where we get off" is heard over the shot of the bridge sign. ARRIVING AT THE CABIN- -added the sound of tires rolling over ground as we drive toward the cabin. -shortened a shot to cut the camera van hitting branches & a small tree. -extended the shot of Cheryl looking out the window. -shortened the shot looking back at the group as Scotty goes to open the door. -smoothed a strange pitch in the score. -cut a shot of Scotty walking to the cabin. -cut a shot of the group watching. -enhanced the sound of the swing hitting the wall while Scotty is on the porch. -new sound effect when Scotty unlocks the door. CHECKING THE PLACE OUT- -adjusted the saturation, color balance & contrast on a shot of the sunset. -adjusted the saturation on a shot of the cabin. CHERYL SKETCHES- -edited the sound of the clock so it keeps steady time throughout the scene. -shortened a shot of the clock so the pendulum stays in time. -shortened a shot of Cheryl looking down at her sketchbook. -added rumble as Cheryl's hand becomes possessed. -added reversed rumble as the possession leaves Cheryl's hand. -shortened a shot of Cheryl turning to look outside. -added a shot looking in from outside the window. -shortened a shot of Cheryl looking down at the drawing she's made. DINNER TIME- -cut & shortened shots making Ash's toast less clumsy & improving the acting. -shortened the shot before the cellar door flings open. THE CELLAR DOOR- -cut Scotty mocking Cheryl's suggestion that an animal opened the door. -cut Shelly pointing out that "something has to be down there." -cut Linda backing-up Cheryl's suggestion about the animal. -removed Ash's final cry for "Scotty!" DOWN IN THE CELLAR- -added a shot of the girls looking into the cellar as Ash goes down the stairs. --extended the shot of the girls. -cut Ash opening a door. -moved "I bet this still shoots"/"Probably does" to a different shot. -quicker beat between "I bet this still shoots"/"Probably does." -removed Scotty pointing the gun at Ash. -re-timed Ash's "Oh god" as he picks up the book. -shortened a shot of Ash looking at the book. -cut Scotty's "This kinda looks like your old girlfriend." -cut "now" from Scotty's "...and you get everything else now." HANGING OUT- -improved the lightning strike with additional frames of animation. -cut Scotty telling Cheryl "I'm gonna break your face." PLAYING THE RECORDING- -added a thunder sound as the branch comes through the window. ASH'S GIFT- -shortened a shot of Linda's eyes. -shortened a shot of Ash's eyes. -cut Ash taking the box back & saying "Stealing from the blind, eh?" -cut Ash giving the box back & mumbling "It's for you." -cut a shot of Ash watching Linda open the box. CHERYL ATTACKED BY THE WOODS- -the trees change as the fog rolls past frame. -added rumble as the fog passes by. -re-timed the moon at the top of the frame & Cheryl walking at the bottom. -Cheryl doesn't walk as deep into the woods. -cut Cheryl saying "I know someone's out there. I heard you in the cellar." -cut the first cracking sound & Cheryl's reaction to it. -merged two shots of fog into one as the voice urges Cheryl to "Join us." -cut the trees being knocked down before the vines attack. -rearranged three shots of the vines coming out of the fog. -shortened a shot, removing a visible tear-guide in Cheryl's gown. -removed the vines being more than murderous. -added sound effects when the trees hit the ground during a POV shot. -merged two chasing POV shots into one. -cut Cheryl falling a couple times. -cut some of the chase, since Cheryl didn't wander so far from the cabin. -shortened a shot of Cheryl knocking & yelling for Ash. -added a sound effect when a tree hits the ground during a POV shot. -shortened a shot of Cheryl looking for the keys. -shortened a shot of the approaching POV. -shortened a shot of Cheryl struggling with the keys. -cut a close-up of Cheryl as she struggles with the keys. -cut a shot of Cheryl looking back at the approaching evil. -cut a shot of Cheryl screaming. TRYING TO LEAVE- -removed camera wobble on a shot of Scotty, Linda & Shelly. -shortened & merged Ash's 2nd & 3rd attempts to start the car. -cut a shot of Cheryl in the car as Ash tries to start the engine. AT THE BRIDGE- -cut a shot of Cheryl calling for Ash after he goes to investigate the bridge. -cut a shot that looks as if Cheryl is suddenly far away from the car. -cut a shot from Cheryl's POV. -cut the branch falling. -added a rumble sound when we see the bridge sign. -shortened the shot of the bridge sign. -re-timed the music to match the cut as Cheryl surveys the destroyed bridge. -added a few footstep sounds as Cheryl begins to run away. -re-timed Cheryl's "It's not gonna let us leave, I told you!" -cut Cheryl throwing herself on the ground in hysterics. BACK AT THE CABIN- -shortened the shot of the ax coming down for better effect. CHERYL, POSSESSED- -added a rumble sound as Cheryl reveals herself to be possessed. -new sound effect when Cheryl hits the floor. -shortened a shot of Ash slowly reaching towards Cheryl. -shortened the shot of Cheryl grabbing the pencil. -shortened another shot of Ash reaching toward Cheryl. -new sound effects when the shelf falls on Ash. (thud, things clattering) -shortened a shot of Ash struggling under the shelf. -cut a shot of Ash struggling under the shelf. -cut a shot of the fake head as Scotty knocks Cheryl into the cellar. -cut another shot of the fake Cheryl head. ASH CHECKS ON LINDA- -cut Ash leaving the room after kissing Linda. WHAT TO DO?- -cut Scotty saying "In the morning, we'll take the bridge and..." -added a shot of Cheryl looking up from the cellar. -shortened a shot of Scotty & Shelly. -Shelly's "What happened to her eyes?" is heard over a shot of Cheryl. SHELLY, POSSESSED- -cut the first shot of the puppet head in the fire. -shortened the second shot of the puppet head in the fire. -shortened a shot of Ash struggling under the shelf. -cut a shot of Ash struggling under the shelf. -shortened a shot of Shelly grabbing the dagger. -cut a shot of Scotty's face as he cuts Shelly's wrist. -shortened a shot of Ash reacting to Shelly biting her wrist. -cut a shot of Shelly biting her wrist. -cut a shot of Scotty watching Shelly biting her wrist. -shortened a shot of Shelly after Scotty stabs her with the dagger. -cut a shot of Ash watching Shelly with the dagger in her back. -cut a shot of Ash watching Shelly convulsing on the floor. -shortened a shot of Shelly on the floor to match the previous shot. -cut Scotty & Ash's discussion about what to do with Shelly's body(parts). -added a different thunder sound after the burial. WHAT TO DO NOW? -extended a shot of Scotty as he & Ash discuss what to do. -shortened Cheryl laughing in the cellar. LINDA, POSSESSED- -added some nocturnal ambiance as Ash checks on Linda. -added new sounds as the wound on Linda's ankle turns evil. SCOTTY RETURNS- -cut Ash shaking & slapping Scotty to get him focused. -Ash asks Scotty about a way out as Cheryl mocks them, instead of after. -quicker beat between Scotty's "The trees! They're alive!" and his scream of pain. -added a shot of Cheryl laughing. -added additional laughter from Cheryl in the background. -shortened a shot of Scotty on the couch. LINDA'S LAUGHTER- -shortened a shot of Linda laughing. -smoothed an odd bit of audio. -shortened a shot as Betsy wasn't in full laugh-mode at the start. -cut a shot of Linda laughing. -cut a shot of Ash looking at Linda. IT'S A TRICK- -cut, rearranged & re-timed some of Cheryl's pleading from the cellar. -added missing fireplace sounds as we pan down to the cellar door. -shortened the shot before Ash responds to Cheryl. -cut Ash taking the keys out of his pocket. -shortened a shot of Ash escaping Cheryl's grasp so we can't see her let him go. -additional rumble when the thunder crashes. -fixed the sound of the door closing to sync & match with the cut to the moon. -added rumble to the shot of the moon. CHECKING ON SCOTTY- -cut Ash's "We can all go home together" speech. LINDA ATTACKS!- -added rumble as Linda attacks. -added rumble as Linda licks the blade. -added sounds for Scotty falling off the couch. (thud, clattering) -Linda's approaching scream is heard before we see her running toward camera. BURYING LINDA- -cut Ash stopping to check when Linda opens her eyes. -cut Ash slowly walking to Linda. -added a shot of Ash, cut earlier. -added a shot of Linda on the ground, cut earlier. -extended the shot of Linda on the ground. -fixed an audio jump-cut when Ash sees the necklace. LINDA ATTACKS AGAIN!- -shortened a shot of Linda approaching Ash to take focus off the bad wig. -shortened a shot so we don't see the fake beam break in Bruce's hands. CHERYL'S LOOSE!- -re-timed the sound of Ash smashing Cheryl's hand in the door to match sync. -additional splat sound as Ash smashes Cheryl's hand. LOOKING FOR AMMO- -Ash opens the cellar door much more quickly. -cut Ash stepping on a can & slipping down the stairs. -shortened a shot of the bandaged & bleeding pipe. -shortened a shot of Ash looking up at the bandaged pipe. -shortened the shot of the pipe before it breaks. -shortened a shot of the pipe as it breaks. -cut Ash stepping into a puddle of blood. -cut a shot of Ash approaching the stairs before going back up. SOUNDS ALL AROUND- -added an additional crashing sound as the pendulum smashes back n' forth. -added some outside ambiance as Ash leans back against the door. -added a sound when Ash snaps the rifle closed. -cut some of Ash reacting to the footsteps on the roof. -shortened Ash reaching into his pocket for the necklace. -outside ambiance ends abruptly just before the clock stops ticking. FINAL SHOWDOWN- -cut a shot of the Book of the Dead being flung near the fireplace. -added squish sounds as Ash's thumbs go through Scotty's eyes. -added sounds as blood pours from Scotty's eyes. -cut a shot of the book beginning to smoke. --replaced the shot of the book with one of the sun rising, cut later. -added rumble as Cheryl comes through the door. -cut Ash seeing the book. -cut Ash reaching for the book. -cut Ash picking up the necklace. -cut Ash trying to use the necklace to hook the book. -cut a shot of the book by the fire -cut Ash continuing to fish for the book as Cheryl attacks. -cut Ash hooking the book & tossing it into the fire. MELTDOWN!- -cut an exceptionally jerky stop-motion shot of Cheryl. -cut all shots of the book burning. -cut a quick shot of Cheryl. -cut a quick shot of Ash. -additional splat sound as Ash is hit in the face with gore. -cut a shot of Ash looking up at Cheryl. -cut a shot of Ash starring at the floor. -cut a shot of various bits of goo n' goop on the floor. -additional gurgling sounds as Scotty's body dissolves. CONCLUSION- -replaced a shot of the sunrise (now used earlier) with one from EVIL DEAD II. --extended, cropped, flipped, darkened & re-graded the ED2 shot. -cut a repeated shot of the sunrise. -added a fade-out as Ash walks out of frame. -longer transition into the next scene. JUST ONE MORE THING...- -added a fade-in before the POV shot begins to move. END CREDITS- -added the title card before the credits roll. -a new, remixed piece of score plays as the title card appears. -added the distorted intro to The Charleston from earlier. -altered the EQ of The Charleston, giving it a fuller sound. -re-timed the credits. -added fade-in to the Sam Rami credit. -extended the fly sounds at the end. POST-CREDITS- -added the unaltered version of an earlier re-graded shot of the cabin. -extended the shot of the cabin. -added demonic sounds. -added my production logo to the end. -added the voice saying "Join us."

Additional Notes:

I've tried to stay true to the editing style set by Edna Ruth Paul in the original cut. My editing is extensive, but I didn't want any obvious changes.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: Main- -The Evil Dead (Lionsgate bluray, 2018) Additional- -Evil Dead II (Lionsgate bluray, 2018) -The Evil Dead Soundtrack (Varèse Sarabande Records, 1993) -Sound Effects (

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