Grindhouse: from Death to Terror

Updated: 29th June 2024

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Grindhouse: from Death to Terror

Faneditor: Recut by Dregs  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 5th June 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 3h:46m:54s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:35m:40s
Genre: ActionHorrorThriller
Original Title: Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007)     Grindhouse: Planet Terror (2007)   
Original Release Date: 6th April 2007
Original Runtime: 3h:11m:14s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I thought it would be cool to make a fan edit as if it was being show at a different cinema.


I love the Rodriguez and Tarantino double feature. It was such a cool and different idea when they released it and its definitely one of my top 10 cinema viewing experiences. With that said, I’ve seen the Grindhouse and the extended solo movies so many times and thought it would be cool to make a fan edit as if it was being show at a different cinema.

Change List:

Extended versions of both films (DP - 2.35 : 1) (PT - 1.78 : 1) Swapped the order of the films and trailers ‘Don’t’ & ‘Werewolf Women of the SS’ have extended trailers Added two new trailers (6 total, 3 before each film) Re-shuffled all the ‘Cinema’ extras around Moved the Grindhouse title scroll to before Death Proof (1st Film) Credits moved to after Planet Terror (2nd Film) Added my logo to the start

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