Spider-Man Unlimited: Limitless

Updated: 3rd June 2024

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Spider-Man Unlimited: Limitless

Faneditor: Zarius  
Fanedit Type: Shorts
Fanedit Release Date: 16th February 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:3m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:17m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Spider-Man
Genre: ActionAdventureSuperheroes
Original Title: Spider-Man Unlimited (TV Show)(1999)   
Original Release Date: 14th August 1999
Original Runtime: 0h:20m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


After braving all the dangers of Counter-Earth, Peter Parker returns to his own world...some are overjoyed and cherish the promise of tomorrow, while others see nothing but broken promises. Will it deter Peter? Find out in this epilogue to the short-lived 1999 animated series Spider-Man Unlimited! Recently I tasked myself with piecing together a three or so minute short that tied up the storylines of the 1999 animated series Spider-Man Unlimited, which was unceremoniously cancelled on a cliffhanger.


To give fans of the series (and yes, there ARE some!) some semblance of closure at last to the show

Change List:

Rearranged scenes from episode one of Unlimited, altered dialogue. This short unashamedly skips over the resolution of the cliffhanger and joins our hero as he prepares to return to Earth…I made the choice not to have John accompany him…think of it like those vintage movie tropes of a stranded hero realizing his ‘calling’ and staying to ensure peace is continuously persevered that, and he likely doesn’t want to share a cockpit with a guy who made a few passes at his girlfriend!

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