Young Frankenstein [raymix]

Updated: 29th May 2024

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Young Frankenstein [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th December 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:35m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:11m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Frankenstein
Genre: ComedyHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Young Frankenstein (1974)   
Original Release Date: 29th October 1974
Original Runtime: 1h:46m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This is the final film in a project that aims to bring tighter editing, improved pacing & stronger continuity to a series of 4 Frankenstein films.


My intention was to make this film fit in more closely with the Universal Frankenstein films. The original version is a loving parody of those films, but uses names from the novel for legal reasons.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. TITLE CARD- -new edit of the opening suite. -new "A Mel Brooks Film" credit. -used text-less footage of the castle background. -added a slow pan toward the castle. -new title card. -removed the opening credits. -cross-fade from the castle to the window. RETRIEVING THE WILL- -slight slo-mo on the shot panning towards the window. -longer cross-fade from the window to the clock. CLASS QUESTIONS- -cut the elementary explanation of the brain. -cut "before we proceed" from "Any questions before we proceed?" -extended the shot after the pronunciation is corrected to "Fronk-en-steen." -cut grandpa being called "Victor." (here, he's Henry from FRANKENSTEIN.) -cut the elementary lecture on the nervous system. -cut the demonstration of the nervous system. -cut the students cheering after Frederick dismisses class. -shuffled some shots of students getting up to leave. RECEIVING THE WILL- -cut "great" from Gerhardt's "your great grandfather." -cut "Bofort" from Gerhardt's "Baron Bofort Von Frankenstein." -Gerhardt's "Baron Von Frankenstein" is heard over a shot of Frederick. THE TRAIN TO TRANSYLVANIA- -cut the bit with the shoe shine boy. AT THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN- -re-created the horizontal wipe from the staircase to the painting. -replaced the painting with the one of Henry from SON OF FRANKENSTEIN. -cut Frau Blucher calling Henry "Victor." -cut Frau Blucher kissing the painting of Henry. -shorter beat between Frederick's "I see" & "Well..." -cut Frau Blucher calling Henry "Victor." -cut Frau Blucher saying "Goodnight" a 2nd time. -added Frederick's "Frau Blucher" from his 3rd "Goodnight" to his 2nd. -the horses whinny is heard over a different shot. -the sound of the door closing is heard over a different shot. DREAMING OF DESTINY- -replaced the painting with the one of Henry from SON OF FRANKENSTEIN. -cut Frederick repeating "Ok, I'll say it." MYSTERIOUS MUSIC- -cut Frederick sticking his tongue out while he thinks. -cut Frederick saying "Hand me that robe, will you dear?" SECRET PASSAGEWAYS- -shortened a shot of Frederick & Inga stopping to observe a decomposing head. DISCOVERING THE OLD LAB- -added dialog from the original FRANKENSTEIN as the group look over the lab. --added reverb & effects to make the dialog seem distant & otherworldly. -added the Main Theme as Frederick realizes he's in the private library. -added a pan across the table to the How I Did It book. -cropped the shot of the book to remove "Victor" Frankenstein as the author. -extended the shot of the book. -rearranged some shots of the lightning for clarity. -extended the sound of thunder after the fade-out. -longer transition into the next scene. READING & REALIZING- -cut Frederick's heavy breathing before we hear him reading. -slower fade-in to begin the scene. -replaced the painting with the one of Henry from SON OF FRANKENSTEIN. -added lightning flashes to the painting shot. -shot pushes in toward the painting. -longer transition into the next scene. AT BREAKFAST- -cut Igor revealing the picture he's drawn of the Monster. -cross-fade into the next scene. AT THE CEMETERY- -cut the hanged man. -cross-fade to the body being buried. TRANSPORTING THE BODY- -longer transition into the next scene. IN THE LAB- -cut Frederick repeating "Do you understand" before Igor appears at his side. -smoothed a skip in the audio after Frederick calls up to Igor. CITY COUNCIL MEETING- -cut the councilman saying "...from 5 times before." -moved a shot of the citizens to earlier. INTERROGATING IGOR ABOUT THE BRAIN- -Frederick's "Now, about that brain" is heard over a shot of Inga. -shortened a shot of Frederick & Igor. -extended a shot of Inga as Frederick asks if the brain was Hans Delbrook's. DARTS WITH INSPECTOR KEMP- -cut Frederick running to look out the window after Kemp leaves. FRAU BLUECHER FINDS THE MONSTER- -cut Frau Blucher calling Henry "Victor." -added a shot of the monster, reversed from later. -cut Frau Blucher saying the music is "in the blood of all Frankensteins." -cut Frau Blucher saying that Henry played the music when making his creation. -cut Frederick calling Henry "Victor." -tighter cut between Frau Blucher says "My boyfriend" & the machinery sparking. -cut Frau Blucher yelling "You'll never catch him! He's free!" THE MONSTER & THE LITTLE GIRL- -longer fade-in. -cut before the Monster looks away after breaking the 4th wall. -extended the Monster looking into the camera. -added a sound effect as the girl goes through the air. THE MONSTER & THE BLIND HERMIT- -cut the hermit saying "Your hand is frozen, my child." CONFRONTING THE MONSTER- -cut Frederick's fake laugh as he pleads to be let out of the room. -cut Frederick's cry for "Mommy!" -swapped shots of Inga trying to open the door & the Monster growling. -longer transition into the next scene. POST-PERFORMANCE BLUES- -cut Frederick blaming the "bad brain" for the Monster's tantrum. -the sound of the table lowering begins sooner. -cut a shot of Frau Blucher watching the table descend. ELIZABETH & THE MONSTER- -cut some of Elizabeth combing her hair & singing. -added an iris wipe while the Monster carries Elizabeth through the woods. -cut a shot of the searching villagers. -cut Elizabeth protesting the Monster's advances. -lowered the volume of Elizabeth's singing. -cut the 2nd line of the "Mystery of Life" song. -cut a shot of the searching villagers. BRINGING THE MONSTER HOME- -cut Frederick's "Yes" after Igor says "You realize your risking both your lives?" -re-created the vertical wipe into the next scene. THE OPERATION- -re-timed the sound when Igor smacks the machine to match. THE VILLAGERS BREAK IN- -cut Inspector Kemp saying "Yeah, I can see that you are the Monster." -cut the Monster saying "he gave me a calmer brain." --re-edited the dialog to say "He gave me a calmer way of expressing myself." -added music to the end of the Monster's speech. WEDDING NIGHTS- -added a wipe from Frederick rubbing his head to the Monster reading in bed. -cut before Fredrick looks away as we zoom in on his eyes. -re-timed the shot of Igor playing the horn so his movements match the music. -longer cross-fade from Igor to the final shot of the castle. END CREDITS- -added the title card before the credits. -cut the The End card. POST-CREDITS- -added a cue from the Main Theme. -added two shots of the painting of Frederick, normal & smiling. -re-framed the shots so they line-up. -cross-fade between the shots so the smile appears in the lightning. -added my production logo to the end.

Additional Notes:

I wanted the film to move along at a quicker pace without anything seeming to be changed.

Other Sources:

Video- -Young Frankenstein (20th Century Fox bluray, 2008) -Son of Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) Audio- -Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) -Sound Effects (

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