Son of Frankenstein [raymix]

Updated: 29th May 2024

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Son of Frankenstein [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:20m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Frankenstein
Genre: DramaHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Son of Frankenstein (1939)   
Original Release Date: 5th March 1939
Original Runtime: 1h:39m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This is the 3rd film in a project that aims to bring tighter editing, improved pacing & stronger continuity to a series of 4 Frankenstein films.


My intention was to give the film a quicker pulse, a more modern presentation & a better series continuity all while retaining it's original charm.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. TITLE CARD- -new edit of the Main Theme. -new "A Rowland V. Lee Film" credit. -new smokey background. -new title card. -removed the opening credits. CITY COUNCIL MEETING- -changed "Because of these Frankensteins" to "Because of Frankenstein." -extended the man's laugh so it doesn't cut off abruptly. THE TRAIN TO TRANSYLVANIA- -added train sounds as soon as it's seen fading in. -added a wide shot as Wolf mentions his mother telling stories of his father. -cut Wolf blaming the incident with the Monster on the "bad brain." -smoothed the cross-fade from the train car to the waiting villagers. ARRIVING IN TRANSYLVANIA- -added the sound of the trains breaks. -cut a shot of a sign designating the town of Frankenstein. -cut a shot of Wolf walking past the Frankenstein town sign. -removed a jump-cut during the cross-fade into the next scene. ARRIVING AT THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN- -cut a shot of Elsa & Frederick getting out of the car. -cut Elsa calling their son "Peter." (here, he's Frederick from YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN) -cut Elsa calling young Frederick "Peter" again. -shortened the shot of Benson approaching. IN THE LIBRARY- -extended the shot of the painting of Henry Frankenstein. -cut a shot of Wolf stepping closer to the painting. -Benson's "you're rather like your father" is heard during the painting shot. -shortened a shot of Wolf & Benson looking up at the painting. -cut Wolf saying "A miracle the people of Frankenstein call a monster." -cut Benson saying "Such stories I'd never heard." -longer beat between "They say a lot worse than that"/"Would you like a brandy?" -shortened the shot of Benson going to fix a brandy. PUTTING YOUNG FREDERICK TO BED- -cut young Frederick's "Our father, help me be a good little boy." -cut Elsa asking about the beds. -cross-fade from young Frederick asleep to the angry villagers. ARRIVAL OF INSPECTOR KROGH- -cut Elsa & Amelia running down the hallway as the Inspector knocks. -added a thunder sound to cover a jump-cut in the audio. -added a thunder sound after Krogh says "You're in danger." -cut Krogh explaining his military ambitions. -cut a shot of Krogh walking across the room to remove continuity error. -cut Elsa checking on young Frederick while Igor peeks in. AT BREAKFAST- -cut Wolf calling young Frederick "Peter." -cut young Frederick asking about the boar's head on the wall. -cut Wolf calling young Frederick "Peter" again. -re-timed young Frederick's "Goodbye!" AT THE OLD LAB- -added a sound for the rock rolling before it falls. -shortened the shot of Igor climbing through the hole in the wall. -re-timed Wolf's "C'mon, c'mon. Hurry it up." -cut Igor knocking on his neck. -cut Igor explaining that lightning is what hurt the Monster. -merged two shots of the Monster into one. -cut Wolf saying "Evidence of trauma. Exactly like a human being." CITY COUNCIL MEETING- -cut "Frankensteinians" from "We Frankensteinians are as nervous as cats." -added a wide shot of the council. -added a fade-out to end the scene. -removed the cross-fade into the next scene. -longer transition into the next scene. PREPARING THE MONSTER- -added a fade-in to begin the scene. -added sounds for the door lifting. -cut a shot of Igor coming up through the door. -shortened a shot of Igor entering the room. -shortened a shot of the Monster being laid back on the table. -removed an odd cross-fade between two shots of the Monster. -shortened Igor opening the door for Benson. DIAGNOSING THE MONSTER- -extended a shot of Benson. -cut a shot of Wolf looking into the Monsters eye. -cut Wolf saying "Take notes. Heart is contracted. Mental abnormality." -cut Wolf saying "Definite hyper pituitary." ect. -cut Wolf saying "That accounts for his great size." -cut Wolf saying "No human heart can function like that" ect. -cut a shot of spinning machinery. -cut a shot of Wolf. -cut a repeated shot of Igor. -cut Wolf saying "He's completely super-human." -cut a cross-fade from a shot of Wolf to Benson & Wolf raising the table. THE MONSTER'S X-RAY- -cut Wolf saying "Take notes, Benson." -cut a shot of Igor. -added a quick fade-out when Wolf flips the light switch. -added a long fade-in as the light adjusts. -shortened a shot of Wolf examining the x-ray. -cut Wolf saying "Left ventricular preponderance." -cut Wolf finding & commenting on bullets in the Monster's heart. -cut a shot of Igor walking over to look at the x-ray. -added a cross-fade from the x-ray to Wolf at the microscope. EXAMINING THE MONSTER'S BLOOD- -cut all of Wolf's comments. -cut a microscopic shot of the blood. -cut a shot of Wolf at the microscope. -cut another microscopic shot of the blood. -shortened a microscopic shot of the blood. -added a cross-fade from the blood to Wolf looking at notes. IGOR & THE CITY COUNCIL- -moved this scene to later on. WOLF MONOLOGUES HIS FINDINGS- -cut Wolf talking about the "Cosmic Rays." -cut Wolf talking about the Monster being "truly un-human." -added a shot of Igor, reversed from later. -cut Wolf wanting to "reveal the Monster's abnormal functions to the world." REVIVING THE MONSTER- -cut a shot of the Monster on the table. -cut Igor touching the Monster, getting shocked & telling Wolf to stop. -cut a shot of the Monster being electrocuted. -cut the Monster waking up & attacking Benson before passing out again. -longer transition into the next scene. THE INSPECTOR HIRES A SPY- -cut this entire scene & sub-plot. IGOR & THE CITY COUNSEL- -moved this scene from earlier. -cut the man saying "Body snatcher, you mean." -cut the pause before the man asks "Did he ask you to rob any graves?" -cut the discussion about being able to hang Igor a 2nd time. -longer transition into the next scene. INSPECTOR KROGH AT THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN- -added a long fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Elsa explaining that Wolf has fixed-up his father's old lab. -cut Krogh looking up at his spy. -cut Krogh's spy giving him a knowing nod. -Elsa's "He's deep in some experiment" is heard over a different shot of Krogh. -added sound effects when Wolf sets his hat & cane down. -cut the discussion about the sulfur pit being built by the Romans. -cut Wolf saying "...and parboil you" as well as the ensuing laughter. -cut Elsa calling young Frederick "Peter." -cut young Frederick questioning Krogh's prosthetic arm. -shortened Wolf carrying young Frederick up to his room. -Wolf's "Here we go up the mountain" is heard during a different shot. -cut Wolf calling young Frederick "Peter" again. -extended the shot of Krogh after Wolf runs off to his lab. -removed a cross-fade from Krogh to Wolf entering the lab. WOLF SEARCHES THE LAB- -cut Wolf opening the lid & going downstairs to search around. -shortened the Monster looking at himself in the mirror. -merged two shots of Wolf into one. -cut some of the Monster comparing itself to Wolf in the mirror. -shortened the shot of Igor after he says "I keep him here." -cut some of Igor laughing. WOLF CONFIDES IN BENSON- -cut Wolf repeating "Yes, alive! Alive!" -cut Benson calling young Frederick "Peter." IGOR LEADS THE MONSTER- -cut a shot of Igor coaxing the Monster down a hallway. -cut the duo entering through & then shutting the hidden door. -cut the Monster bobbing it's head up & down after Igor motions for murder. -altered the pitch of the wagon sound effects as it comes uphill. -extended the shot of Igor at the window after the Monster has gone. -fade-out on the shot of Igor laughing. -cut a shot of the wagon. -cut a shot of the Monster in the countryside. DEATH OF A JUROR- -slow transition to show some time has passed. -fade-in on a shot of the Monster in the countryside. -the sound of the wagon fades in gradually as the Monster looks around. -darkened the shot of the wagon passing by to match the surrounding shots. -re-timed the man's first scream to match the Monster's attack. -added a neck-break sound effect. -added creaking sounds as the Monster climbs over the wagon harness. -added a thud sound as the wagon wheel hits the juror. DINNER AT THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN- -cut Wolf repeating that Krogh is their 1st guest. -cut Wolf bowing a 2nd time before Krogh leaves. -cut Elsa worrying about Benson. -cut Wolf leaving the room. -cross-fade into the next scene. WOLF SEARCHES FOR BENSON- -cut Wolf asking about the Monster & Igor saying "He sleeps." -cut Wolf's "That would scare anyone. I didn't think Benson would come here." -shortened the shot after Igor slaps Wolf's hand away. -fade from Wolf & Igor to Krogh at the juror's house. KROGH AT THE JUROR'S HOUSE- -shortened the shot of Krogh entering the room. -shortened the shot of everyone leaving the room. BEDTIME WORRIES- -cut Wolf suggesting that Benson went out & got drunk. -cut Wolf calling young Frederick "Peter" again. -edited Wolf saying he's sending Elsa to Brussels to be faster, more intense. -added a close-up of Elsa. -cut Elsa crying about not as brave as Wolf. -cut Elsa getting up to go get young Frederick. -cross-fade from Wolf & Elsa to Elsa, young Frederick & Wolf in bed. DEATH OF ANOTHER JUROR- -cut shots of the Monster in the countryside. -added a thud sound when the Monster strikes the juror. -longer transition into the next scene. KROGH STOPS WOLF'S FAMILY PLANS- -added a fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Krohg's "So?" after Wolf tells him he's going to the train station. -cut Krogh ordering breakfast. -added fade-out as Wolf walks away. -longer transition into the next scene. TERROR AT THE APOTHECARY- -cut the scene of the screaming lady running out into the streets. KROGH SPEAKS TO YOUNG FREDERICK- -added fade-in to start the scene. -cut Krogh asking if young Frederick is scared of the giant. -extended the shot of Benson's watch, allowing time to read the inscription. -added sounds for Amelia's footsteps coming into the room. -removed Amelia calling young Frederick "Peter." ELSA TALKS WITH WOLF- -cut Elsa calling young Frederick "Peter." -lowered the volume of the knocking. KROGH, WOLF & THE DARTS- -added the sound of two darts hitting the board as Krogh speaks. -cut Wolf saying "That's too bad. I've never heard of him." -added the sound of the dart hitting the board in the close-up. -cut Wolf laughing after saying "The Monster." -cut Wolf saying he recreated his fathers table "out of curiosity." KROGH SEARCH THE HOUSE, WOLF SEARCHES THE LAB- -cut some of Krogh knocking on the walls. -added sounds as the wall slides open. THE MONSTER FINDS IGOR- -cut the Monster's scream. -added a cross-fade from the Monster crying to Wolf in his study. KROGH COMFORTS ELSA- -cut this entire scene. KROGH CONFRONTS WOLF- -cut Wolf asking "Would you like a drink or would you rather play darts?" -scene ends on a wide shot of Wolf & Krogh. --extended the duration of the wide shot. THE MONSTER MORNS IGOR- -shortened the shot of the Monster carrying Igor. -re-timed the music. -shortened the close-up on the Monster. THE MONSTER WRECKS THE LAB- -new sound effect when the lab door closes. -cut the Monster finding the fairy tales book. THE MONSTER GOES TO YOUNG FREDERICK'S ROOM- -shortened the Monster walking through the tunnel. -added sound effects for the false-wall sliding open. -re-timed the music to sync with the Monster's attack. -cut away as the Monster grabs Amelia, before she faints. -shortened a shot of Wolf & Krogh throwing darts. -added a shot of the Monster dropping Amelia's body, cut earlier. -shortened a shot of Krogh preparing to throw a dart. ELSA FINDS FREDERICK MISSING- -cut Amelia getting up & joining in on the screaming. (she's dead) -cut Elsa running down the stairs & calling young Frederick "Peter." EVERYBODY AT THE LAB- -cut an exterior shot as Wolf, Elsa & Krogh run to the lab. -removed all calls for "Peter!" -shortened a shot of Wolf beginning to climb. -cut before Amelia enters the lab. (she's dead) -cut before Amelia reaches the embracing family. (she's still dead) -slo-mo on the family embrace. -added fade-out as the family embraces. AT THE TRAIN STATION- -cut this entire scene. END CREDITS- -music is a new edit of the Main Theme. -added the title card before the credits. -new card for the cast credits. -new cards for the crew credits. -added a credit for the make-up effects by Jack Pierce. -new card for the director credit. POST-CREDITS- -added a shot of Igor at the front gates, reversed from earlier. -added my production logo.

Additional Notes:

I wanted to bring new life to the film using sharper editing & more extensive foley work, without anything seeming to be changed. This version moves along at a more contemporary pace, while retaining it's original charm.

Other Sources:

Video- -Son of Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) -smokey stock footage (, 2015) Audio- -Sound Effects ( &

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