The Bride of Frankenstein [raymix]

Updated: 29th May 2024

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The Bride of Frankenstein [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:6m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:11m:0s
Time Added: 0h:2m:0s
Franchise: Frankenstein
Genre: DramaHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Bride of Frankenstein (1935)   
Original Release Date: 29th October 1935
Original Runtime: 1h:15m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This is the 2nd film in a project that aims to bring tighter editing, improved pacing & stronger continuity to a series of 4 Frankenstein films.


My intention was to give the film a quicker pulse, a more modern presentation & a better series continuity all while retaining it's original charm.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. TITLE CARD- -new music is a remix of The Monster's Entrance & Main Title. -cut the opening credits. -new "A James Whale Film" credit. -new title card. OPENING- -cut the storytelling opening. AFTERMATH AT THE WINDMILL- -slow fade-in on a shot of the burning windmill. -added burning sounds throughout the scene. -added additional shouting & crumbling sounds to the first two shots. -slight slo-mo the first three shots. -cut Minnie saying "That's the best fire I saw in all me life!" -added sound effects to accompany the flame flare-ups. -the sound of the villagers walking away builds instead of beginning suddenly. HENRY TAKEN AWAY- -the sound of the villagers dissipates instead of stopping abruptly. -cut Minnie saying " that lovely girl, Elizabeth." HANS HAS TO SEE- -added burning sounds. -added sounds when Han's Wife collapses. -added splashing sounds for Hans & the Monster. -added a splash sound when Han's Wife hits the water. -removed the flutes when Minnie gets scared by the Monster. -cut two shots of Minnie scared & screaming. -extended a close-up on the Monster. -added a cue from The Monster's Entrance as Minnie runs away. -smoother audio transition into the next scene. AT THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN- -cut the man knocking on the door & ringing the bell. -cut an odd shot of the wagon after Elizabeth comes to the door. -replaced the wagon shot with a shot of the messenger stepping forward. -cut two shots of Minnie running & screaming across the courtyard. -cut a shot of Henry being brought up the stairs. -cut Minnie trembling after telling Albert that the Monster is still alive. -cut Minnie's "Nobody believes me" speech. THE HOUSE IN MOURNING- -cut Elizabeth saying she was foretold to beware her wedding night. -added a fade-out to end the scene. -cut Minnie crying. IN HENRY'S ROOM- -slower fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Henry's "I could have trained him to do my will. I could have bred a race." -Henry's "I might even have found the secret to eternal life" is over a shot of Elizabeth. -extended a shot of Elizabeth. -cut Elizabeth saying "We are not meant to know such things." -cut Elizabeth's hysterics & claiming to see Death in the room. THE ARRIVAL OF DR. PRETORIUS- -cut Minnie repeating "Pretorius?" a 2nd time. -cut Elizabeth's "Who's there?" & Minnie's "It's Minnie, my Lady." -cut Elizabeth's "I do hope he won't upset Henry" as she leaves. PRETORIUS' CREATIONS- -cut Pretorius getting his box & then getting the jars out of the box. -added music as Pretorius prepares to reveal his creations. -removed the little mermaid. -extended a shot of Henry & Pretorius. -cue from The Monster's Entrance ends the scene. -slower fade-out on Pretorius. CHASED THROUGH THE WOODS- -added a sound effect when the Monster drops the boulder on the men. -cut all of Minnie's input as the Monster is being tied up. -added a sound when the Monster is thrown onto the wagon. IMPRISONING THE MONSTER- -cut three shots of the Monster being brought down into the dungeon. -extended a shot of the Monster being carried down a hallway. -cross-fade from a shot of the Monster on the rail to being chained to the chair. -shortened a shot of the Monster chained to the chair. -cut Minnie commenting from the window & being shooed away. -smoothed a jump-cut in the audio. -cut the Burgomaster & the guards commenting as they leave. THE MONSTER IS LOOSE- -cut "Frau Newman" from the woman's "Where's his wife, Frau Newman?" -cut Minnie repeating "Frau Newman?" TRAVELERS IN THE WOODS- -cut the man saying "He's safe in jail & they'll keep him there." -shortened a shot of the Monster approaching to match the next. THE MONSTER & THE BLIND HERMIT- -removed the Monster's growl as it opens the door. -shortened a shot of the blind man leading the Monster to the bed. -longer transition from The Blind Man's Thanks into The Monster's Lessons. HUNTERS AT THE HERMITS HOUSE- -removed a jump-cut during the struggle between the Monster & hunter #1. -added a reaction shot of hunter #2. -added additional fire sounds. -cut the Monster scaring some children. -cross-fade from the burning house to the cemetery. CHASED THROUGH THE CEMETERY- -new cross-fade removes Boris standing to the side waiting for his cue. -adjusted the volume & EQ as the villagers run through the graveyard. DOWN IN THE CATACOMBS- -Pretorius' "Read the inscription" is heard over a shot of the Monster watching. -shortened a shot of Karl clearing things away. -cut Karl reading the date on the grave. -removed the sound of Ludwig blowing a raspberry after opening the coffin. -cut a shot of pretorius laughing. -cut a shot of the Monster watching. -removed some of Pretorius' laughs. PRETORIUS' ULTIMATUM- -cut Henry saying "There, I knew it" when Minnie announces Pertorius. ELIZABETH & THE MONSTER- -cut Minnie worrying before leaving the room. HENRY'S DEAL WITH PRETORIUS- -cut Henry saying "But, if you can bring her back, I'll do anything you ask." WORKING IN THE LAB- -extended the establishing shot of the laboratory. -cut Henry saying he hopes the heart keeps going, before Karl mentions it's freshness. -cut Pretorius explaining the telephone. -extended the exterior shot of the lab as the storm begins. -cut Karl yelling for Ludwig to get the kites ready. -cut a shot of Karl & Ludwig on the roof. -adjusted the EQ & volume as the kites are launched. -darkened the shots of the flying kites. -cut some repeated shots of machinery. -cut the Monster throwing the bad dummy of Karl. -added a sound effect when the kite is struck by lightning. -added a sound effect when lightning sparks the cosmic diffuser. -shortened a shot of the Monster contemplating Pretorius' warning. -added additional explosion & crumbling sounds as the lab is destroyed. -combined two shots of the exploding lab into one. END CREDITS- -new music is a remix of Main Title & The Monster's Entrance. -added the title card before the credits. -new card for the cast credits. -the character Albert is credited by name instead of "Butler." -new card for the crew credits. -added a credit for the make-up effects by Jack Pierce. -new card for the director credit. -cut the The End card. POST-CREDITS- -added Baron toasting "A son to the house of Frankenstein." (from FRANKENSTEIN) -added a cue from The Creation. -added my production logo. -added a cue from The Monster's Entrance.

Additional Notes:

I wanted to bring new life to the film using sharper editing & more extensive foley work, without anything seeming to be changed. This version moves along at a more contemporary pace, while retaining it's original charm.

Other Sources:

Video- -Bride of Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) -Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) Audio- -Bride of Frankenstein Score (Waxwork Records remaster, 2019) -Sound Effects (

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