Frankenstein [raymix]

Updated: 29th May 2024

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Frankenstein [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:2m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:9m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Frankenstein
Genre: DramaHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Frankenstein (1931)   
Original Release Date: 29th September 1931
Original Runtime: 1h:10m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This is the first film in a project that aims to bring tighter editing, improved pacing & stronger continuity to a series of 4 Frankenstein films.


My intention was to give the film a quicker pulse, a more modern presentation & a better series continuity all while retaining it's original charm.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -added the 1931 Universal logo. OPENING- -added a "Word of Warning" title. -longer pause between "Well," & "we've warned you." -shot lingers longer on the curtains after the MC walks away. -slower fade-out. TITLE CARD- -new edit of the Opening Theme. -new "A James Whale Film" credit. -new title card. -removed the opening credits. IN THE GRAVEYARD- -cut the grave keeper lighting his pipe. -inter-cut the grave keeper walking away with Henry & Fritz watching. -shortened a shot of the grave keeper walking away. -added a fade-out transition to end the scene. -longer transition into the next scene. THE HANGED MAN- -added a fade-in transition to begin the scene. -shortened the shot of Henry & Fritz pushing the wagon. -slower fade-out. -longer transition into the next scene. AT THE MEDICAL COLLEGE- -extended the college establishing shot. -removed the first few shots of the students before class begins. -Dr. Waldman's lecture begins over the college establishing shot. -edited some of Dr. Waldman's dialog for better rhythm. -added a shot of Fritz at the window as Dr. Waldman speaks. (cut later) -shortened the shot of students leaving class. -added sounds for the shattering jar & the brain splatting on the floor. -cut some of Fritz bumbling around after picking up the second brain. -shortened the shot of Fritz leaving the classroom. -slower fade-out. MEETING WITH DR. WALDMAN- -cut Victor saying "Oh, the bodies of animals." AT THE WATCHTOWER LAB- -added various thunder sounds during the establishing shot. -shortened the shot of Fritz coming down the rope. -Henry's dialog about the brain begins as he puts a cloth over the head. -cut Fritz investigating the knocking at the door. -added a shot of Fritz fixing his socks as everyone goes upstairs. (cut earlier) -cut Henry explaining his previous experiments to Dr. Waldman. BRINGING THE MONSTER TO LIFE- -cut a shot of Henry speaking with no dialog. -cut a corresponding shot of Fritz. -cut a shot looking up at the operating table. -rearranged shots of Henry, Fritz, the table & some equipment. -cut another shot of Henry speaking with no dialog. -cut a shot looking up at the operating table. -swapped two shots of sparking equipment. -extended the thunder sounds after the scene fades-out. -longer transition into the next scene. MEETING WITH BARON FRANKENSTEIN- -cut the Baron saying "...Will you tell me that?" -fixed an edit that cut as the Baron begins to speak. -cut the Baron complaining to the burgomaster about "troubles." -cut the burgomaster saying "Good day, Baron." -replaced the Baron's dialog about "Another woman" with dialog cut earlier. -shortened the shot of the Baron walking to the door. -slower fade-out. THE DOCTORS DEBATE- -cut dialog about Henry's father's disapproval. MEETING THE MONSTER- -extended the 2nd close-up on the Monster's face. -cut Henry walking to the door. -shortened a shot of Henry opening the window. -added some subtle outside ambiance after Henry opens the window. -added a beat between Fritz's "Where is it?" & his scream. -extended the Monster's yell when Waldman clubs him from behind. -longer transition into the next scene. FRITZ TORTURES THE MONSTER- -added burning & whooshing sounds while Fritz taunts the Monster with the torch. -removed the Monster's groans as Henry & Waldman run down the stairs. -removed the Monster making an ape-like sound before it passes out. BARON & ELIZABETH ARRIVE AT THE LAB- -cut the Baron complaining before knocking on the door. -cut the Baron raking his cane against the door impatiently. -cut the Baron knocking again before Victor opens the door. -cut some of the Baron's rambling as he enters the lab. -cut the Baron's slow, whinny trip up the stairs. -slower fade-out. -longer transition into the next scene. DR. WALDMAN & THE MONSTER- -extended the shot of Waldman's notes, allowing time to read it. -shortened the shot of the Monster peeking before attacking. -re-timed Waldman's "Ack!" to better match the Monster's grasp. -added a neck-break sound. -longer transition into the next scene. HENRY & ELIZABETH AT HOME- -cut Henry easing back into his chair, removing a continuity error. -shortened a shot of Elizabeth before she replies "Let's make it soon." -quicker transition into the next scene. A TOAST TO THE GROOM- -cut the Baron's second toast. -cut the Baron's "Give the servants champagne. This stuff's wasted on em." -cut the servants' toast. -cut a few shots of people celebrating outside. -cut everybody going to the window to see, before the Baron goes outside. -the music doesn't end abruptly. -smoother cross-fade into the next scene. THE MONSTER & LITTLE MARIA- -cut "Won't you stay & play, daddy?" / "I'm too busy. Stay & play with the kitty." -cut Little Maria saying "Come on, kitty" while obviously choking it. -added sounds for the flowers hitting the water. -smoother cross-fade into the next scene. DANCIN' IN THE STREETS- -the music doesn't start abruptly. -shortened a shot of people dancing. -removed a jump-cut while people dance. -the music doesn't stop abruptly when we cut inside to Henry & Co. ELIZABETH IS WORRIED- -cut Liz dismissing her feelings as "Just a mood" before speaking her mind. -cut Liz's 2nd "What is it?" as Victor knocks. THE MONSTER IN THE HOUSE- -cut Henry & Co. searching upstairs in the attic. -cut Henry & Co. rushing from the attic back to Liz's dressing room. SEARCHING FOR THE MONSTER- -cut a shot of the villagers rounding a corner. -smoother cross-fade from the villages in town to the countryside. -removed a jump cut while the villagers march down the hillside. -fixed an audio jump-cut while the dogs bark. -shortened a shot of the villagers approaching camera. -fixed an audio jump-cut as the villagers come to a stop. -fixed an audio jump-cut as the villagers split-up. -cut a quick cross-fade from the split-up to the rowboats. -added sounds for the rowing & the lake. -fixed an audio jump-cut as the villagers reach the mountain summit. -shortened a shot of the villagers coming across the mountain summit. -fixed an audio jump-cut as the villagers continue through the mountain. -fixed an audio jump-cut just before Henry says "Come on, boys!" -shortened the villagers approaching as Henry speaks to the injured man. -fixed an audio jump-cut as we cut to a tighter shot of the injured man. -cut a shot of the Monster ducking & villagers running past. -cut a wide shot that reveals shortcomings of the stage set. -cut a shot of the man with the dogs. -cut a quick shot of Henry climbing. -shortened a shot of a group looking around before spotting Henry. -cut the villagers stopping to listen as Henry cries for help. -added a sound when the Monster strikes Henry. AT THE WINDMILL- -added a sound when the Monster drops Henry to the floor. -additional burning sounds throughout. -added a sound when Henry hits the windmill blade. -crowd sounds dissipate instead of cutting suddenly after Henry falls. -removed some odd audio during a shot of the Monster. -added sounds for the beam dropping onto the Monster & the Monster falling. -slo-mo on the final shot of the burning windmill. -slow fade-out on the final shot of the burning windmill. BACK AT HOME- -cut this entire scene. END CREDITS- -replaced the End Theme with a new edit of the Opening Theme. -cut the The End card. -added the title card. -new cards for the cast credits. -new card for the crew credits -corrected "Mrs. Percy Shelly" to the proper "Mary Shelly." -added a credit for the make-up effects by Jack Pierce. -added a credit for composer Bernhard Kaun. -new card for the director credit. POST-CREDITS- -added two shots of the burning windmill collapsing. (from BRIDE) -added SFX (angry shouts, fire, rumble clattering) -added my production logo.

Additional Notes:

I wanted to bring new life to the film using sharper editing & more extensive foley work, without anything seeming to be changed. This version moves along at a more contemporary pace, while retaining it's old charm.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: Video- -Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) -Bride of Frankenstein (Universal bluray, 2017) Audio- -Sound Effects (

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