Red Sun: Leone-ised

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Red Sun: Leone-ised

Faneditor: Mollo  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:50m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Western
Original Title: Red Sun (1971)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1971
Original Runtime: 1h:50m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


To give RED SUN a Leone-esk feel many shots were re-framed to give a hint of the Leone style by presenting it in true widescreen. Several scenes were lengthened slightly to increase the dramatic tension and some action scenes were tightened.


I wanted to do a FanEdit of a Western as my next project and a Spaghetti Western in particular. Red Sun (1971) directed by Terence Young has always been a favorite of mine and today it is a sadly neglected Classic. So with this FanEdit I hope to promote some interest in the original motion picture by doing a Leone style interpretation. I have changed very little of the narrative of the original and large sections were left unaltered. What I have tried to do is give the movie a Leone-esk feel by presenting it in widescreen, so many shots have been re-framed to give a hint of the Leone style. I have also lengthened scenes slightly to increase the dramatic tension and tightened up some action. Some sequences have had the original audio entirely removed and replaced with new sound effects and in some case new score. This was done to provide a more serious tone to some of the montage sequences. One new scene has been especially created for this FanEdit using some three shots from Leone’s Once Upon A Time In The West. Also I have created a new opening and end credits sequence. The ending is also slightly altered to present Link and Kuroda in a more heroic light. I hope you will enjoy this FanEdit and that it might lead you to seek out the original.

Change List:

Contains Serious Spoilers!!!! 1. New: Opening Credits hopefully in the style of a Sergio Leone Western with Music by Masaru Satoh 2. New: Opening scene with Link (Charles Bronson) arriving at the train station with shots from Once Upon A Time In The West 3. Cut: The Sheriff from 2 scenes the train station and the confrontation scene between Link and Gauche (Alain Delon) 4. Cut: Some shots of the bandit attack on US cavalry unit to tighten the action 5. Cut: One shot of Gauche flinching when he takes the sword as a Samurai bodyguard steps forward 6. New: Extension of the scene where Kuroda (ToshirÃ? Mifune) asks Gauche for his name 7. New: Removed the Maurice Jarre score from the first montage as Kuroda and Link begin their quest and replaced it with amplified natural sound and new score 8. New: Extension of the scene where Link insults Kuroda in English 9. Cut: Some shots of the drunken bandits and tighten up the action, especially Kuroda’s second kill 10. New: Removed the Maurice Jarre score from the montage after Link shoots at Kuroda’s horse and replaced it with amplified natural sound and new score 11. New: Re-worked the dubbing of Cristina’s (Ursula Andress) yelps and yells when she is locked in her room as these were dubbed later and are out of sync 12. New: Extension of the confrontation between Link and Kuroda when Link steals Kuroda’s clothes in the freezing mountains (more SFX added) 13. Cut: The line by Link that clearly indicates he has feelings for Cristina before they save her from the Comanche 14. Cut: The ‘thank you’ line given by Kuroda during the Comanche skirmish 15. Cut: Link calling out Kuroda’s name before he is shot down by Gauche 16. New: End Credits.

Additional Notes:

Notes on Sound Editing and Design Most action sounds have been altered or replaced such as Gunshots, Punches, Slaps, Samurai Sword Sounds and Stabs (I have also used sounds from some of Sergio Leone’s favorite Westerns such as Shane, Warlock, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and Johnny Guitar) New ambient sound effects have been added The opening credits have a new edited score by Masaru Satoh (Goyokin 1969) with added amplified action sounds.

Special Thanks:

The Dark Side of the Rainbow
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Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope [Despecialized]
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
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