The Dark Crystal: Dreamfast

Updated: 27th May 2024

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The Dark Crystal: Dreamfast

Faneditor: catferoze  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 27th October 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:32m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:1m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: AdventureFamilyFantasy
Original Title: The Dark Crystal (1982)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1982
Original Runtime: 1h:33m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: English


A partial reconstruction of an earlier version of The Dark Crystal which most notably excises the voiceovers, replaces most of the Skeksis English dialogue with an alien language (as found in the Bluray extras), rearranges and trims only a few scenes.


The Dark Crystal apparently received some major changes, mostly audio-related, after test screening caused worries of it being too confusing or dark for children. This edit attempts to create something similar to that workprint making the Skeksis more menacing and less silly and letting the visuals tell more of the story.

Change List:

D=Dreamfast E=Workprint Enhanced ED-removed intro narration (D-uses truncated version) ED-reused exterior castle shots to transition to Jen playing flute [used "Jen Plays His Pipes"] ED-moved scene of the urRu chant to later E-moved fading of UrSa to end of convo with Jen & before Emperor death [used "Death of the Emperor, Death of the Mystic Master"] ED-used Skeksis language audio for Emperor death scene [used "Death of the Emperor, Death of the Mystic Master" again] E-added deleted funeral scene after death of emperor [used "The Funeral and Jen's Journey"] ED-removed Jen voiceover leaving valley [used "The Funeral and Jen's Journey"] ED-Used Skeksis language audio for debate and duel [used "Skeksis Debate Leadership, Skeksis Duel (Film Version)", "Chamberlain Is Attacked", "Opening Titles and Main Theme, Mystics' Sandpainting"] ED-Used workprint audio for the crystal calling the Skeksis (only one line replaced in Dreamfast) [used "Skeksis Summoned By Alarm"] E-cut reaction shot to Jen in crystal and second shot of Jen in crystal E-cut shot of SkekUng after summoning Garthim and few frames of Garthim at either end to match workprint timing ED-removed background Skeksis english dialogue over final Jen in crystal shot before transition ED-removed Jen voiceover on mountain before meeting Aughra [used "Garthim Are Dispatched, Jen On Aughra's Mountain"] E-used extras audio and add a few extended shots for Aughra's Orrery scene ED-inserted earlier urRu introduction scene at Aughra's Orrery timeskip [used "Opening Titles and Main Theme, Mystics' Sandpainting"] ED-removed Jen voiceover, Aughra background dialogue during choosing the shard (E - used workprint audio through garthim attack) ED-removed Jen voiceover looking back at Aughra's burning home ED-removed urRu voiceover during departure from valley ED-removed Jen voiceover while contemplating shard, hearing noise ED-removed dreamfast voiceover [used "Gefliings Meet, Dreamfast"] E-removed or replaced with workprint audio Skeksis english dialogue during feast [used "Skeksis Feast (Part I)", "Skeksis Feast (Part II)"] ED-used Skeksis language audio for confrontation with Aughra (fewer lines replaced in Dreamfast) ED-replaced Jen & Kira discussing shard dialogue at Podling party with alternate dialogue from extras E-added extra shot and line during podling party ED-removed Jen voiceover while sleeping with Kira [used "Jen and Kira Love Theme"] ED-used Skeksis language audio for draining Podling, SkekUng drinks essence (only one line replaced in Dreamfast) [E-used "Jen and Kira Set Off On Landstriders, Pod Person Drained", "The Battle, Mystics Travelling"] ED-used Skeksis language audio for Kira brought before Skeksis, trim brief shot of SkekUng speaking with missing dialogue (fewer lines replaced in Dreamfast) [used "Kira Brought Before the Skeksis"] ED-removed SkekTek dialogue during Kira draining scene (D-replace Augra dialogue with workprint) ED-removed Jen voiceover discovering the crystal chamber (D-use workprint audio for Aughra convo) [used "Jen Discovers Crystal Chamber","Gelfling Frightens Skeksis, The Crystal Made Whole"] ED-removed or replaced with workprint audio Skeksis dialogue during conjunction scene, trim brief shot of SkekOk speaking (no workprint audio in Dreamfast) [E-used "Gelfling Frightens the Skeksis, The Crystal Made Whole"] ED-removed Aughra dialogue while saving Fizzgig D-used workprint audio for Aughra reciting prophecy in crystal chamber

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