King Kong: Eighth Wonder of the World

Updated: 28th April 2024

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King Kong: Eighth Wonder of the World

Faneditor: Belgarath  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:51m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:50m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: King Kong
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaFantasyMysteryRomance
Original Title: King Kong (2005)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2005
Original Runtime: 3h:35m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Available in two versions: * Technicolor * Black & White This is an edit of Peter Jackson's King Kong without most of the silliness. Where things move quicker, but there's still room for a breather. Fanedit running time: 2 hours 21 minutes (before credits)


I always envisioned a different structure for the King Kong movie, so I decided to try it. Also, I really wanted a different color grade from the original yellow. After some trial and error, I was set on a path to make it resemble Technicolor. However, I always liked the idea of having a black and white version, as well.

Change List:

Editing Details: The edit is based on the Ultimate Edition Cuts and Additions: Cut List: - Fanedit warning - FE logo - Belgarath logo - Retro Universal logo - A new opening: the edit starts with people gathering on Broadway to see Kong after he's captured. - The Journey starts as a flashback from Ann Darrow's POV right at the moment she meets Carl Denham - Added custom title "A few months earlier..." - The Venture's departure is a lot quicker. Jack is not trying to get off the ship. - The conversation about the cast away ends at the moment Preston asks "why they built the wall?" - Cut the scene where Kong pulls Ann from he bindings. It looks like this should tear he hands off. - Ann passes away and the next we see her is in Kong's dwelling. - Herb doesn't participate in the rescue mission. - Bruce Baxter doesn't join the rescue mission. - No Dinosaurs stampede sequence. - No speeches from Carl about how he will keep shooting the movie for his dead assistants. - During the Piranhadon attack: no underwater scenes. - The second raft is destroyed because of the Piranhadon impact with water. Not because of Carl Denham's stupidity, as he shoots at it. - Cut close ups during the log scene. - Kong will fight 2 T-Rexes instead of 3 and only one will fall and drag Kong with him. - Those weird swamp creatures that kill Lumpy..... yeah, they're gone. - No fight with giant bugs. The company get surrounded and rescued just in time. - No ladder hanging scene on the Empire state building - The movie ends as Jack embraces Ann on the roof of the Empire State Building

Other Sources:

Xanadu (1980) Universal Pictures logo

Special Thanks:

hbenthow for providing the LUT for the Technicolor regrade. ArtisDead for the poster and general support Dwight Fry for suggesting alternate Universal logo

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