Faneditor: NellsRelo   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 25th July 2022 Fanedit Runtime: 2h:28m:49s Time Cut: 1h:28m:25s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Franchise: Marvel Cinematic Universe Genre: Action • Superheroes Original Title: Ms. Marvel (2022)    Original Release Date: 8th June 2022 Original Runtime: 3h:47m:14s Certificate: PG Source: Digital Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels Language: English Subtitles: No    
School. Friends. Family. Grappling with her responsibilities was already hard enough before having superpowers, but when an old family heirloom calls to Kamala Khan, and an old family friend comes knocking, everything changes.
Cut down into a movie format, experience Ms. Marvel in 2 hours, 28 minutes, with all important plot beats retained. Features 2 post-credit scenes.
I hope this edit captures the feeling of the original show, without dragging or feeling disjointed. With cuts being made on-the-fly, I aimed to keep all major plot beats, while giving a good variation of the series for Movie Marathons.
Change List:
- Move 1942 scene where ClanDestines find the bracelet to pre-fanfare.
- Post-fanfare, cut directly to the Day of Avenger-Con
- Cut scene where Kamala jumps out the window
- Cut the Instagrammers in the Mosque
- Kamala doesn't ask permission to go to Zoe's party
- CalTech subplot is dropped, though still mentioned at the end (implied it was already known)
- Illuminaunties scene is cut
- Damage Control's first visit to the Mosque happens off-screen
- Kamala doesn't pass out at dinner
- Cut Kamala's dad helping Bruno translate old Djinn info
- Wedding fight scene "horror" segment cut
- Family doesn't confront Kamala for ruining the wedding
- Najma doesn't explicitly leave Kamran behind
- DODC scene happens before flight to Pakistan
- Tourism scene cut
- Merge Red Dagger Hideout scenes (yes, the clothing change stands out. I just pretend they gave her an outfit)
- Chase scene trimmed
- Kamala flashing to the past now brings us to Najma following Aisha.
- Kamala back at home now beings with her facetiming Nakia
- Movie ends on Kamala jumping from the street light as her logo shines onto the screen
- "1 Week Later" is now the Mid-Credits scene
- Original Mid-Credits scene moved to End of Credits
- Several minor cuts