Jurassic Ice Age

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Jurassic Ice Age

Faneditor: Starlight Fan Edits  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 24th September 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:21m:9s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Ice Age
Genre: AdventureAnimationComedy
Original Title: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)   
Original Release Date: 1st July 2009
Original Runtime: 1h:34m:1s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: No


After Sid (John Leguizamo) pilfers some dinosaur eggs, Manny (Ray Romano), Diego (Denis Leary) and the rest of their prehistoric pals enter a mysterious, underground world to rescue the hapless sloth. During the course of their mission, the gang encounters many creatures great and small, including hungry carnivores and a relentless, dinosaur-hunting weasel named Buck.


1) Rescore the majority of the film with John Williams’ music scores from Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. 2) Replace the dinosaur sound effects with sounds from the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World films (and games for certain cases). For sounds that can’t be completely removed, the Jurassic Park dinosaur sounds have been integrated in. 3) Cut down almost all scenes with Scrat (there are two exceptions that I can't remove). Although Scrat is an essential part of the Ice Age franchise, I feel that removing a lot of these scenes in the film will help the pace flow better. This one was probably the most difficult decision I had to make. 4) Cut down some of the jokes that might not work out.

Change List:

Added Starlight Fan Edits Logo and used the 3D variants of 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios’ logos. Added film grain. Faded out the Blue Sky Studios Logo before it transitions to the opening. Removed the opening scene with Scrat and Scratte. Added the music track “Opening Titles” by John Williams for the new opening titles. Renamed the film as Jurassic Ice Age. Cut to the scene where Manny, Crash, and Eddie are running to Ellie thinking the baby is coming. Redid the snow sliding sound for that scene. Rescored the new opening scene with the first half of “Journey to the Island” and some of “The History Lesson” by John Williams. Rescored the Diego’s chase scene with the second half of “The Raptors Appear” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Manny showing Ellie the new playground with the first half of “A Tree for My Bed” and the second half of the album version of “My Friend, the Brachiosaurus” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Sid finding the T-Rex eggs in the cave with “Hatching Baby Raptor” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Sid carry the T-Rex eggs out of the cave and the subsequent scene of Sid chasing the eggs with “Stalling Around” and the second half of the album version of “The Coming Storm” by John Williams. Redid the snow sliding sounds for scene of Sid chasing the eggs. Rescored the scene of Sid huddling with the T-Rex eggs with “Ailing Triceratops” by John Williams. Rescored the T-Rex cave scene with “Incident at Isla Nublar” by John Williams and replaced the T-Rex sound with that from Jurassic Park. Rescored the scene of Sid waking up and seeing the three hatched dinosaurs with “Hatching Baby Raptor” by John Williams. Removed the “Walk the Dinosaur” montage and the scene of Sid accidentally angering a male ram. Removed scene of Scrat and Scratte falling into the underground dinosaur world (also referred to as “The Lost World”). Rescored the scene of the playground being trashed with “Hungry Raptor” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of the Mother T-Rex taking Sid and her offspring with “Visitor in San Diego” by John Williams. Replaced the T-Rex sounds with that from Jurassic Park/World. This applies for all scenes with the Mother T-Rex. Added people screaming sounds for the T-Rex scene. Removed a brief comedic scene with Crash and Eddie for pacing purposes. Rescored the scene of the Herd entering the underground dinosaur world with “Theme from Jurassic Park” and the second half of “Journey to the Island” by John Williams. Added Brachiosaurus and Pteranodon sounds from Jurassic Park/World for this scene. Added Ankylosaurus sounds from Jurassic Park/World in the scene where the Herd is being chased down. Rescored the scene of the Ankylosaurus chasing the Herd with “The Coming Storm” (specifically the music from the Jurassic Park falling car scene) by John Williams. Added Brachiosaurus sound from the Jurassic World Evolution games when Ellie is giving it a plant to eat. Added Iguanodon, Kentrosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, and Brachiosaurus sounds from the Jurassic Park/World films, Camp Cretaceous, and the Evolution games. Rescored the scene of Buck rescuing the Herd with the music cue from “Ludlow’s Demise” by John Williams. Added Pteranodon and Triceratops sounds from Jurassic Park/World during the baby Triceratops scene. Rescored a brief scene of Buck introducing the path to Lava Falls with “The Lost World” by John Williams. Removed scene of Scrat and Scratte in the underground dinosaur world. The scene now cross-dissolves. Rescored the scene of Buck rescuing Diego and Manny from an aggressive plant with “Spilling Petrol and Horning In” and the film version of “Ripples” by John Williams. Added cartoon spinning sounds while Buck is diving into the plant to rebuild some of the SFX. Added trickling water and underwater sounds in scenes inside the plant. Removed a brief outside shot of Ellie, Crash, and Eddie and a scene of Crash and Eddie chewing their nails to match the scene up more with the music. Removed the original music as the plant inflates and explodes. Added a distant Spinosaurus sound. Rudy’s sounds in this edit have been replaced with Spinosaurus sounds from Jurassic Park III and the Jurassic World Evolution games. This applies to all scenes where Rudy’s distant roar is heard and when he’s on screen (especially for the ending fight). Added Compspgnathus (Compys) sounds for the Troodons in the scenes of them running away from the Mother T-Rex and eating a melon. The Troodon sounds from the TellTale Jurassic Park game didn’t really fit for what I was going for, so I decided to use Compy sounds for them instead. Added Kentrosaurus sound effects from Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous in the scene of the Herd traversing through the wilderness. Rescored the scene of Buck telling a butterfly to move off the trail and up to the first half of the Chasm of Death scene with “Reading the Map” and “Ripples”. Rescored the scene of the Herd “gas talking” with the second half of “The Island Prologue” by John Williams. Removed scene of Scrat and Scratte running down the Chasm of Death ropes. The scene now fades to black as Buck slides down the rope. The scene of Sid trying to feed the T-Rex kids vegetables now fades in. Rescored the scene of the Mother T-Rex taking the kids and Sid following after hearing Rudy’s roar with “The Coming Storm” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Buck’s tale with “Incident at Isla Nublar” and “The Lost World (Alternate)” by John Williams. Rebuilt the SFX for the scene of Buck’s tale which includes thunder, heavy rain, stormy wind sounds. Added the music track “Remembering Petticoat Lane” by John Williams for the scenes of Sid and the Mother T-Rex and Manny talking to Ellie about the events that have happened. Removed Scrat and Scratte tango scene. Removed Buck’s line “or what’s left of it anyway”. Removed scene of Scrat and Scratte falling in love. Added music cue from “Incident at Isla Nublar” by John Williams when the Herd traverses through the Plates of Woe. Replaced the sounds for the Guanlong with Velociraptor sounds from Jurassic Park/World. Guanlongs weren’t featured in the Jurassic Park/World films or other media so raptor sounds will do. Added brief music cue from “Monster on the Loose” John Williams when Sid encounters Rudy. Added lava sound effects in scenes of Sid being trapped in Lava Falls. Rearranged the scenes of Diego racing to protect Ellie and Buck, Crash, and Eddie hopping on to a Pteranodon to fit in with the flow of the music. After the scene of Sid screaming at Lava Falls, it now cuts to the scene of Diego and Manny. Rescored scenes of the Herd splitting up to save Sid and protect Ellie, Sid running from Rudy and becoming trapped in Lava Falls, and Diego racing up the plates to protect Ellie with “Ludlow’s Speech”, “The Raptor Attack”, “Monster on the Loose”, and “Rescuing Sarah” by John Williams. Added a music cue from “The Raptor Attack” as the scene cuts to Buck, Crash, and Eddie getting ready to save Sid. Rescored the Pterosaur chase scenes with the Island theme present in “Journey to the Island” by John Williams. Replaced the Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus sounds with that from the Jurassic Park/World films and the Jurassic World Evolution games. Removed the airplane sounds the Quetzalcoatlus makes in the film. Rescored the scene of Manny and Diego fighting off the Guanlongs with “High-Wire Stunts” by John Williams. Added a rock collapsing sound effect when the Guanlongs topple down the boulder Manny was pushing on. Added Brachiosaurus sounds from Jurassic Park/World as the Pteranodon flies through an area of them. Rescored the scene of Buck trying to wake up the Pteranodon with the second half of “Visitor in San Diego” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Sid being rescued and the Pteranodon hitting the ice ceiling with “End Credits” by John Williams. Rescored the scenes of Sid being carried by the Pteranodon and Manny taking out the last of the Guanlongs with “Tranquilizer Dart” and “Ludlow’s Demise” by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Manny seeing his newborn child Peaches for the first time with “A Tree for My Bed” by John Williams Rescored the scene of Sid reuniting with the Herd with the Island theme part from “T-Rex Rescue & Finale” by John Williams. Removed the “Alone Again” scene. Added the ending music cue from “The History Lesson” by John Williams to allow the cut from Buck saying “Let’s go home” to them heading back to the entrance more natural. Rescored the Rudy fight scene with “T-Rex Rescue & Finale” by John Williams. Added the zoom-in whoosh sound effect (which are used earlier for Buck’s comedic moments) before Buck says, “Hello Rudy.” All sounds Rudy makes are replaced with Spinosaurus sounds for this sequence as mentioned previously. Rescored the scene of the Herd (with Buck following along) heading back to the surface with “Finale & Jurassic Park Theme” (from The Lost World: Jurassic Park) by John Williams. Rescored the scene of Buck swinging back to the underground dinosaur world with “The Lost World” by John Williams. Added earthquake and rocks crashing down sound effects in the scene of Diego running from the collapsing cave. Removed the final scene of Buck and Scrat at the end (this also includes removing a shot of the ice “crib mobile” sculpting of the Herd). Have the ending scene fade out as the Herd are back together on the surface with Peaches. Rescored ending scene with “Welcome to Jurassic Park” by John Williams. This will play throughout the end credits. Removed “Walk the Dinosaur” credits sequence. Added fan edit credits (includes a dedication credit to Jansen Panettiere (a prominent voice actor who had a role in Ice Age: The Meltdown) who passed away this year and Richard Attenborough).

Additional Notes:

Sam Kresil’s YouTube Playlist which involved replacing dinosaur sounds from this film with ones from Jurassic Park/World served as a basis for what sounds to use and their placement. Based on a fan edit request by u/Chem-Memory9746 (some of the changes are based from his ideas).

Other Sources:

All Jurassic Park/World dinosaur sounds have been sourced from various YouTube videos that post a compilation of these sounds (which comes from all the Jurassic Park/World films, Camp Cretaceous, and the Jurassic World Evolution games). Same goes for certain SFX like wind blowing and snow sliding sounds. Music comes from the original soundtrack album releases of Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park and the La-La Land Records expanded release of Williams' score.

Special Thanks:

u/Chem-Memory9746 (Original Idea) Sam Kresil The Fan Edit Network Listening In

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