Halloween Continues

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Halloween Continues

Faneditor: G-Man Junior  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 23rd September 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:19m:1s
Time Cut: 0h:29m:59s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Halloween
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Halloween Kills (2021)   
Original Release Date: 15th October 2021
Original Runtime: 1h:49m:24s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: No


A FanFix of Halloween Kills, making a more cohesive, impactful movie.


To make Halloween Kills a better sequel and cut a lot of the crap.

Change List:

- 00:00:00 Added FE Warning - 00:00:08 Added FE.org Intro - 00:05:25 Cut Lonnie being bullied by the other kids. We can just assume the kids shown are his friends. - 00:05:29 Cut the kids being sarcastic about Lonnie being their friend, and the cop asking if they're alright, he just asks if they have seen Michael straight away. - 00:05:47 Cut the kids antagonising Lonnie as they walk away. It now cuts from the car driving away to Lonnie walking home. - 00:05:56 Added a stinger from the original Halloween (1978) soundtrack when Lonnie sees Michael. - 00:06:01 Cut Lonnie trying to get a closer look at Michael, as well as Lonnie running while the voices of the kids echo. It now cuts from him seeing Michael to him running away. - 00:09:12 Cut the cop saying "Haddonfield, the place where nothing ever happens." He now looks down, and Michael jumps at him straight away. - 00:09:12 Added a shot from a later flashback that features a new angle of Michael. - 00:09:17 Trimmed down Michael beating the cop. - 00:09:17 Cut Hawkins asking if the cop is okay. You heard a loud bang and struggling for God's sake, obviously he's not. - 00:09:29 Cut Hawkins shouting "Michael! I'm warning you!" - 00:10:47 Cut the cops saying "It's him.", "It's him. It's Michael Myers." As if we didn't know already. - 00:11:21 Added custom title card. - 00:13:04 Cut a lot of the bar scene before Tommy gets on stage. Pointless exposition that we can gather naturally later. - 00:13:36 Trimmed down Tommy's speech so he sounds more like he's sharing a straight-forward survivor's story. - 00:16:58 Cut Michael taking multiple swings at the firefighter. He now takes one swing that ends up stabbing him in the face. - 00:17:20 Cut a shot of Michael being reflected in the firefighter's helmet before he grabs his hand. - 00:18:12 Trimmed Michael killing the firefighters, so that he kills them at a faster pace. This is to establish how tough and angry Michael now is. - 00:20:18 Cut Karen going into the morgue and the doctor screaming "YOU CAN'T BE IN HERE!" at her. It's so unintentionally funny that it ruins the scene. - 00:20:53 Added the extended version of the scene with Michael in the bathroom. - 00:23:22 Shortened the time it takes for Michael to smash the light from it coming on. This is to show how tough and angry he is again. - 00:23:38 Trimmed out a lot of the hits the old man takes to make Michael seem stronger. - 00:23:42 Made the old woman run out of the room faster to make her seem less stupid. - 00:23:43 Removed a shot where glass stabs through the old man's neck. Unnecessary gore for the sake of gore. - 00:24:18 Cut Michael stabbing the old woman in the throat, and her struggle afterwards. I also removed the scene where Michael uses the old guy's corpse to test their knives, but I will be re-inserting this later. - 00:24:33 Cut a couple jokes from the ventriloquist. - 00:26:54 Cut the reporter saying that two escaped prisoners are unaccounted for. I will be cutting Tivoli's role from the film entirely. - 00:27:41 Re-inserted the scene of Michael using the old man's corpse to test their knives. - 00:28:12 Cut some establishing shots of the Myers house. - 00:37:29 Cut Tommy asking Lonnie if he has a license for his guns. - 00:38:04 Cut Allyson's speech about killing Michael. How many speeches about Michael does this movie need to have? - 00:40:42 Cut Marion shooting the mask off of the windshield. They now just scream. - 00:40:55 Trimmed Lindsey filling the bag full of bricks for a more fast, break-neck pace. - 00:40:59 Cut Marion waving her gun around (in the opposite direction of Michael as well, how are these people so stupid?) - 00:41:33 Re-cut this scene so that Vannessa tries shooting Michael from the beginning of his attack, rather than her appearing out of nowhere at the end. - 00:41:39 Made Marcus try and strangle Michael earlier, rather than just watching Michael kill Marion. - 00:47:52 Cut Tommy saying "Come and get it, man." as well as Allyson discovering Lindsey. - 00:52:01 Cut Tommy's speech to the hospital visitors, as that scene causes the ridiculously awful "Evil dies tonight" chant. That chant has been entirely cut from this edit. - 00:52:27 Cut Laurie saying "I appreciate what you're doing" to the nurse, as the last movie established that Laurie isn't the nicest person. She now just tells the nurse to get out. - 00:52:45 Cut Laurie trying to get out of the chair. She now just stays in her bed. - 00:53:12 Cut Laurie saying "Now get the f*ck out of my way." and her attempting to get out of bed. The scene now ends with her saying "The system failed." - 00:56:33 Cut the entire Tivoli subplot. This allowed me to join up both of the scenes with Big John and Little John investigating the house as well. - 00:57:41 Trimmed the amount of time it takes for Michael to stab Big John. - 00:57:48 Cut Big John's eyes getting crushed out of their sockets. - 00:58:02 Cut Little John saying "Michael. You've come home." He now looks up and Michael walks towards him. - 00:58:02 Also rescored this scene with Stand Off from the soundtrack. - 00:58:52 Cut Tivoli being chased to the roof, his suicide, and Laurie talking about Michael's masterpiece. It now cuts straight to Tommy saying he messed up to Karen, and we can assume he's talking about Allyson. - 01:02:34 Removed shot of Allyson sliding back after firing the shotgun. - 01:04:42 Trimmed down Cameron's reaction to Lonnie's death. He now gasps, and Michael immediately kicks the door in. - 01:04:46 Removed Allyson shouting for Cameron after he fires his gun. Obviously he's not okay. - 01:04:49 Removed Allyson getting the shotgun. She now immediately walks through the doorway wielding it. - 01:06:46 Removed Allyson screaming "DO IT!" at Michael. David Gordon Green's character writing is great, but I hate when he makes characters try to guilt-trip Michael when they know he's a stone cold killing machine. - 01:07:36 Removed Karen saying "I'm an innocent woman. Just like your sister was." For god's sake, he doesn't care, I know it's a distraction but still. - 01:08:31 Removed Karen saying "Gotcha." This line was better left for the previous film. - 01:10:14 Removed Tommy saying "We got this Karen. Go be with your daughter." to make it seem like they had a more cohesive plan for killing Michael. - 01:10:31 Removed Laurie's VO through re-scoring and re-cutting. Removed all shots of Laurie too. - 01:11:49 Re-cut Karen getting stabbed so we can see how Michael escaped the mob, as that was cut earlier. - 01:12:56 Added a lot of previously cut scenes of Laurie and Hawkins, such as Hawkins remembering when he shot his partner, and his flashback to when he swapped guns, as they were cut earlier. I also re-cut them to be one scene. - 01:13:08 Re-graded Hawkins' flashback to match with the flashback at the start of the film. - 01:15:14 Added a Laurie flashback via Halloween II (1981) footage. - 01:15:14 Re-scored this flashback, as well as the ending with Transformation from the Halloween Ends soundtrack. - 01:16:12 Re-scored the end credits with Halloween Ends' main title song. - 01:16:12 Added custom title-card. - 01:16:16 Added "A FANEDIT BY u/JustNoticedThat".

Other Sources:

Halloween Kills Deleted Scenes Halloween II (1981)

Special Thanks:


Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 1
Terminator 3: Salvation
Cocaine Bear - Grindhouse Edit
True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
Kombat Bloody Kombat
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter II [The Chronological Cut]
Star Wars: The House of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion