A Final Scream

Updated: 28th April 2024

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A Final Scream

Faneditor: Ryantology  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:36m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:15m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Scream
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Scream 4 (2011)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2011
Original Runtime: 1h:51m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


A version of Scream 4 that can sit next to the original trilogy without feeling like a decade late addition. Both the multiple beginnings and multiple endings have been either revised or cut altogether. Sloppy, hammy dialogue or lines poorly delivered have been cut wherever possible. A version of Scream 4 that can close out the franchise for good.


Scream 4 came out 11 years after the last Scream movie and it really shows. The writing and delivery that made so much sense in the late 90's just doesn't connect the way it did then. A lot of scene/dialogue cuts have been made to help with this. Though a Scream 5 is on the way, I wanted to make this the last Scream and really give it some finality hence a completely restructured ending.

Change List:

1) Trimmed Trudie's dialogue right before she is stabbed. 2) False opening with Kristen Bell and Anna Paquin completely omitted. 3) Trimmed dialogue between Jenny and Marnie referring to the omitted opening. 4) Added "A Final" to the Scream 4 title card. 5) Sidney's arrival to Woodsboro rescored with "Red Right Hand" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. 6) Cut Robbie making fun of Charlie having a crush on Kirby. 7) Cut Trevor whispering "I'll show you" to Robbie before he scares him. 8) Almost all scenes with Sidney's publicist altered to make her a likable character. 9) Cut Jill's mom talking about her scars. 10) Killer busting out of Olivia's closet slightly restructured. 11) Cut Jill referring to Sidney as the "angel of death." 12) Cut Sidney firing her publicist in the hospital. 13) Cut scene in elevator with publicist talking to herself about being fired. 14) Cut officer Perkin's dialogue while being stabbed in the head as well as his "Fuck Bruce Willis" line uttered right before he dies. 15) Sidney walking toward the door with a knife moved to make the previous cut possible. 16) Cut Charlie's "so sexy" line toward Kirby. 17) Cut Robbie's "I'm gay, if it helps" line. 18) Cut Jill looking scared under her bed as it makes no sense. 19) Some dialogue cut from Kirby's death scene and scene is overall shortened. 20) Cut shot of Jill shooting Trevor in the dick. 21) Entire segment of Jill explaining her motive trimmed to eliminate poorly delivered, over the top dialogue. 22) Ending completely changed with all hospital scenes cut. Police arrive at Kirby's and Dewey finds their bodies. Cut to reporters talking about the murders and explaining Jill is a sole survivor. Movie ends with Jill being brought out of Kirby's house on a stretcher. The killer wins. Sidney dies. No more Scream movies. 23) "A Final Scream" title card added before closing credits. 24) Credits rescored with "Trouble in Woodsboro/Sidney's Lament" by Marco Beltrami and "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Gus, both from the original Scream soundtrack. Song changes made in order to be more fitting of the somber ending.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to jswert123456 for creating a custom Blu-ray slip cover and to gddgb for being the first person to watch my final cut!

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