A New Nightmare [raymix]

Updated: 27th April 2024

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A New Nightmare [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:40m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:13m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Nightmare on Elm Street
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1994
Original Runtime: 1h:52m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Tightened up the editing/pacing & removed all the unnecessary exposition dumps. Also removed instances of Miko's bad little-kid acting & moments where the Dark Entity slips into humor.


This project aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to 6 of the films in the Nightmare on Elm Street movie series.

Change List:

Opening Titles- -added the Fanedit.org logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -added music over New Line production logo & director credit. (Prologue) -new "A Wes Craven Film" credit. -added a quote by Slavoj Žižek. Opening Scene- -cut to a new title sequence after the blades are attached to the hand. Title Sequence- -new title logo. -new title. (A New Nightmare) -added music. (Pt.1 Main Title) -added a white-flash transition into the opening scene. On the Movie Set- -cut Chase saying the new glove has "bull tendons" & "doberman nerves." After the Earthquake- -cut Heather asking what the car alarm sound is. -added "Friday, October 14th 1994" text. (this is the films original release date) Heather Talking to Julie- -cut the second phone call from the limo driver. Talk Show Interview- -cut some of Robert running around in the Freddy costume. At the New Line Offices- -cut some of Heather saying she's not sure about doing horror because she has a kid. -cut Heather starting to tell Bob about her stalker. Back at Home- -lowered the pitch of Dylan's 'possessed' voice. At the Morgue- -cut Heather walking around before finding the room Chase is in. -cut Heather asking the coroner "What did that?" Heather & Dylan in Bed- -cut the conversation about how to get to Heaven. -added a fade transition into the scene at the park. At the Park- -cut the shot of the ugly beaver statue. -cut Heather saying that she's afraid Dylan has inherited some sort of problem. Stalker Calls Again- -cut Dylan throwing up when Heather answers the phone. -cut the foam coming out of the phone. At the Hospital- -cut Dr. Heffner asking Heather if she's shown Dylan any of her horror movies. -cut the Dr. saying she thinks horror movies have a bad effect on kids. -tighter edit when Nancy says goodbye to Dylan. -tighter edit from Dylan in bed to Nancy leaving the hospital. Meeting With Wes Craven- -longer shot of the script on the computer screen. Heather Reads About Sleep Disorders- -cut the exposition flashback. At the Hospital- -cut Dr. Heffner asking Heather if she's sure she never let Dylan see her films. -cut Heather going to the oxygen tent room. -cut the Heather's nightmare in the oxygen tent room. Dylan's Dream- -cut Freddy asking Dylan if he's ever played "skin the cat." -cut Dylan's reaction when Freddy breaks Julie's neck. -cut Dylan calling out for Rex. Dylan Crossing the Road- -cut Freddy appearing in the clouds. -cut the army of Freddy guys. Back at Home- -cut John saying "Yeah, sure." after Heather tells him it was Freddy. In the Dream World- -cut Heather jabbing an eel into Freddy's eye. -cut Freddy saying "Come here, piggy. I have some ginger bread for ya." -less slo-mo on the shot of Freddy chasing Dylan towards the furnace. -cut Heather sinking into the stairs. -cut Freddy's mouth enlarging. -cut the snake in Dylan's hiding spot. -cut some of Freddy's silly tongue sounds. -Dylan stabs Freddy's tongue on his first try. Back In Dylan's Room- -longer shot of the script as Wes narrates his inscription. -cut Dylan asking if the script is a story. -cut Heather beginning to read the script to Dylan. -fade out on the shot panning away down the hall. End Credits- -new end credits music. (Nosebleed/Dylan Attacks [raymix] ) Post Credits- -added a shot of the jump rope girls from the original film. -added video effects, audio & changed the aspect ratio so the jump rope shot appears to be on TV. -added the "Freddy's Coming For You" rhyme. -added my production logo to the end. -added music over my production logo. (Prologue).

Additional Notes:

I tried to stay true to Patrick Lussier's editing style from the original film. I didn't want anything to seem changed or altered at all. This mostly meant sharp, quick cutting & trying to keep the energy high.

Other Sources:

Video- -New Nightmare (Warner Bros. Bluray, 2012) -Friday the 13th (Scream Factory bluray, 2020) Additional Audio- -A Nightmare on Elm Street Score (Varèse Sarabande Records, 2015) -Wes Craven's New Nightmare Score (Varèse Sarabande Records, 2015) -A Nightmare on Elm Street Remake Score (Sony Classical Records, 2010) -Sound Effects (freesound.org).

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter II [The Chronological Cut]
Batman: The Dark Knight
Frank Zappa's Baby Snakes - Concert Cut (122 Minutes, Restored Audio/Video)
True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 1
Barbie: Miss Andry Cut
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
Sisu Grindhouse Edit
Godzilla vs Kong (Titan Truth Cut)