Fanedit Name | Date Reviewed | | |
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Trials Of Deception (The Last Jedi) | 20th October 2024 | Star Wars: Trials of DeceptionPersonally, I didn’t hate the Last Jedi, (although it had quite a few flaws imo) but this takes an already good film and makes it great. I enjoyed the changes, and the addition of deleted scenes was also great to see. The added VFX were a bit rough around the edges, but considering how it was done by (what I assume is) one guy, they’re really good, and also aim to do something quite ambitious that I won’t give away. If I had some gripes, I wasn’t fully into the Holdo subplot, and some of the comedic bits I could’ve done without, like Rey getting backhanded by the lightsaber, but hey, it’s far more restrained than the original, so I have to give credit where it’s due. A great edit, and definitely a vast improvement on the source material.
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The Thing from 1951 | 18th October 2024 | The Thing From 1951As someone who has been eagerly awaiting this fanmix, I am happy to say that it far exceeded all my expectations and delivered a fan edit that is nothing short of incredible! The audio mixing, the seamless censoring (the "tied to this ___ couch" line, using the frame to block Clark's gunshot wound, etc.), the meticulous blocking and reframing of shots, the addition of the stopmotion Thing, it's all incredibly done. What I loved the most is the opening starting with an interview with John Carpenter on his collaboration with Howard Hawks. It perfectly sets the groundwork for what you're about to see and allows you to really suspend disbelief. As a fan of the original Carpenter film, this might just be my favorite way to watch the movie. It emulates the 50s aestetic perfectly, and truly feels otherworldly. I loved it!
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Happy | 15th October 2024 | Happy Made Me HappyAs someone who loves the movie as is, I have to say this was a great edit! The scene rearrangement does exactly what it’s meant to and actually gives you time to warm up to Arthur, seeing that he’s mentally ill, but still wants to “spread joy and laughter”, until the alley scene, where we really see how hard he has it. There are some small cuts here and there, but they are very effective, like *Spoilers* the scene where Arthur finds out that he imagined his entire relationship with Sophie. Instead of having it spelled out, it made the twist work so much better in my opinion. If I have one issue with the edit, I’d say the inclusion of Jack Napier in the Wayne’s murder was a good idea on paper, but it wasn’t executed the best. There were times where I had trouble discerning whether there were two people in the alley or one, and some of the scene cuts were a bit jarring. Other than that minor flaw, this is a really good edit that manages to improve upon something that I already really like. Nicely done work by MR!
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Ahsoka: The Patterson Cut | 28th September 2024 | Ahsoka: The Patterson CutAs someone who only watched half of the Ahsoka series and quickly got bored of it, I found this to be incredibly engaging. It cut straight to the chase and removed as much filler and unnecessary plotlines as possible, which made for a better story overall. The new color grading was a great addition, and took a drab, overly grey-washed look and gave it some much needed color. The VFX added great details that should have been in the original series, like the world between worlds turning into the Sith temple, mirroring Ahsoka’s previous fight with Anakin. If I had any issues with the edit, I’d say the pacing wasn’t great. Of course, I have to give the benefit of the doubt, considering there’s a lot to cut down from almost 6 hours of content, and I’m sure it was a lot worse in the series, but I found myself really feeling the 2h30 runtime near the latter half of the story. A minor issue with the color grading was that, while it made the colors pop way more, the black levels were almost too dark, to the point where it was hard to see anything surrounding the characters other than negative could be a problem with my TV, but it was a bit distracting at points. Overall, this is a great fanedit, and I could see there being a version 2 in the future that improves the edit even more. Great work, Kai!
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Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope [Despecialized] | 22nd September 2024 | Brings Star Wars back to it's original form, without all the needless CGI, while also being the highest quality version of the theatrical version that's ever existed. Great restoration, and helps the film stand as a classic.Brings Star Wars back to it's original form, without all the needless CGI, while also being the highest quality version of the theatrical version that's ever existed. Great restoration, and helps the film stand as a classic.
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Snowpiercer: The Willy Wonka Cut | 24th June 2024 | This is such a novel idea, and takes a lot of the ideas posed in the Rhino Stew video (which this fan edit is based on) and runs with them. The scene rescores are great, with the tunnel sequence being my personal favorite.This is such a novel idea, and takes a lot of the ideas posed in the Rhino Stew video (which this fan edit is based on) and runs with them. The scene rescores are great, with the tunnel sequence being my personal favorite.
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